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Monday, February 15, 2010

Life: As a Programmer

It's been a while(1 month is considered 'a while'...right? uhu) since this blog was updated. Actually there's many things that I want to share, but as water in a glass, too many water poured into it, and it will spill over, leaving the only new water inside..as said, 'let bygone be bygone'? aha

Many things had happened, days by days, weeks by weeks, and 1 month had passed. 3 more month to go for me to complete this course. Within that time length, I kind of noticed and took notes of the programmer's life.

Not long ago while I'm still studying in Jengka, my lecturer once told me 'bout his story of being a system developer. He works at Shell I think..

"Hari2 masuk pagi. Kadang2 kne keje atas kapal. Syarikat minyak la katekan. Tapi lpas da lme2 kdg2 terfikir jugak, macam xde 'life' je keje ni. Kwn2 saya yang laen mlm2 da pegi main futsal. Saya plak ade lagi kat ofis. Mmg xde 'life' la saya dlu. Gaji mmg masyuk, tp xde 'life'. Sbb tu saya tuka nak jd lecturer"

And yes..what he did said was true. At that time I was thinking "who cares about life..as long as I got a lot of money". THAT was a mistake. Maybe some of the people didn't care about it, since that people are living in an unhealthy way! yes. For a person who jog everyday, workout every while, eat constantly, nightlife is not what I've been searching for.

For a programmer after married life? It's worst. Not including if u already had a children. Sometimes I felt pity for my colleague who already had his own family, had to reach home late. I wonder how his children will feel, having to see his father only at night where the child is about to hit the bed, and the weekend. And I started to think of the story, where the parents busy working for the money while the children did not feel their parents love. (some kind of essay we used to write in the school about "Mengapa remaja masa kini berkelakuan liar". huhu)

And yet, not all of the company that treat the programmer that way. It may be differ for each company. As for my company I'm practical at, it is. But it was their will to hit home late. *sigh* no offense. btw, Happy Chinese New Year to all who celebrate!

Oki: Cuti xde bwt ape..rse mbazir dbiarkan bgitu saja :(