Current Status:

1. FYP oh FYP~

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Paper Project : Part 2

Yeah...its the continuation of my previous post about my paper project. After 3-days (not including the previous part), I manage to complete it! woohoo~

Meet my workstation!
It's been modified so I can do the cutting process.

Here comes the full hands!
Look at the shoulder ornament..its the only reason why I choose this model.

Here goes.
Surgery in action. Hehe.

Ok, forgot the hands ;p

And at last,
the full set of Rekka Mushu (Flame Warrior)

Holding the katana.
Xluka ke tangan? huhu..

Ape pandang2? ade hutang ker??

What left. Hahaha~ poor u paper.

Overall, it tooks me about 6-days to complete all this.
But at the end, memang puas hati giler ah.
I smiled all the day when watching the model.
(and still smiling)

I'm satisfied...
Maybe this is what we called as Hobby Satisfaction.

Oki: On to next model~

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Remember the previous post about the Body Mass Index calculator?
yeah since I'm bored, and can't think of anything to do, I tried it back.
Guess what...my own calculator 'betrayed' me. Huh!
I'm becoming lazy and lazier from day to day.
No more morning cardio.
Shame on me.

Oki: What happen to my Cutting program? duh....

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Paper Project : Part 1

Ok, seriously, when I'm looking towards this thing, thats mean,
Because this thing will take a hell lot of my time to complete it all.
But, what is this thing?
Aha..I may have shown this on my social network page, but not detailed.

Basically, this is what we called, "Paper Figure" or "Paper Model" or anything that similar.
By using some amount of paper, with a cutting skill n precision, u can turn it into a model.
Tak percaye? Wait and see...it's on the progress and this was some of it.

5 piece of paper = ??
The upper body.
This is just the chest and a neck

The head.
This by far was the most cool n handsome part.

If the head was cool, then this is AWESOME!
My favorite part, the Katana.
If taken from the good angle, it really looks like a real Katana.
This is the latest part.
The leg.
Like others part, this was the hardest part to assemble.

And after 3 days of making this, 50% of it completed.
Now I'm gonna take a rest for a while.
Seriously, buat bende ni memang lenguh tulang belakang aku.
kang xpasal2 kene osteoporosis lak.

So hasil terakhirnye?
Stay tuned~

Oki: Akibat xdapat kua tengok wayang. X(

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Degree : 1st Semester : The Outcome

Tak macam sebelum2 ni, dimana aku akan merayau2 pada hari result dikeluarkan. tapi stakat duk umah je. Huhu. Macam biase jugak student UiTM akan menyumpah2 mengeluarkan kata2 kesat (ha kan da tambah dosa korang) sebab xleh nak tengok result. haha.

Tapi ape yang penting, UiTM dah menaiktaraf mutu, gaya, keunggulan (wah da macam iklan Dashing plak) nya dalam memberi result kepada pelajar; mel elektronik!....I mean, E-Mail. Like I've mention on my previous post, where they send the email a week late, this time, they were accurately sent the email right on time. Haha. bagus2. (walaupun aku masih terasa UiTM ni ketinggalan sebab baru nak buat macam ni) but hey..keep it up dude~
The result?

Tada! Lulus sume! Hahaha...Alhamdulillah..thats alone were enough to make me smile~ (^_^)V
Memang xsia2 la aku bwt past year banyak2 this sem. *sob2
Thx to mak dan abah yang xputus2 mendoakan yang terbaek untukku sepanjang masa. Dan syukur kepada Allah sebab memberi aku peluang untuk membetulkan kesilapanku sebelum ini. Sesungguhnya Allah itu maha pemurah dan maha mengasihani.

So kepada korang yang mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang tu, tahniah. Yang kurang bernasib baek tu, nex sem cube ag yer~ Peace.

Oki: Kelas pertama...masih ada peluang untukku.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pop Up!

Aku kebosanan, dan tiba2 aku dapat idea nak watpe.
Pop up card! Pe tuh? Ala yang macam kad lipat dua tu. pastu biler bukak nanti timbul2 kertas dalam tu. Tanpa berlengah masa lagi, aktiviti membuat pop up card pun bermula~

Baru nak stat. Buat dulu outline bnda yang nak buat (print je. hehe)

Cutting in action!
No, this is not what I mean by cutting in the 'to-do list'.

eh eh Aqil nih..tibe2 je muncul depan pintu. huhu.
tengah seludup barang dari bawah naik ke atas.
cutting process, done.
Next, masa untuk mencantumkannya!

Anda nampak??


Mase aku tengah buat benda ni mak aku masuk bilik tengok aku buat.

Beliau: "Buat ape tuh?"
Beta: "takde pe pun...saje je..."
Beliau: "Emm..macam budak2"
(-_-") sabo jela....

Papepun, memang seronok wat benda nih.
Seronok sebab tengok die timbul. Haha.
Ade satu lagi, tapi tak sempat nak buat. Ngantuk

Oki: Nak try bwt tangan mekanikal pulak. ^_^

Monday, December 6, 2010

Awal Muharram : Kembali lagi

Zulhijjah pergi meniggalkan kita,
Muharram tiba menggantikannya.

Dengan berkumandangnya azan maghrib pada 6hb Disember 2010, maka bertambahlah angka hijrah didalam kalendar Islam, menjadikannya 1432 Hijrah. Kalau biasa nak sambut tahun baru sibuk la nak sediakan mercun, plan dengan rakan2 kua tengok bunga api malam2. Kalau tahun baru hijrah plak camne? Nak bakar mercun jugak ker?

Takyah la bakar mercun. Perabih duit je ye tak. Bagi menyambut tahun baru Hijrah yang bakal tiba, seelok2nye selepas solat Asar sebelum masuknya waktu Maghrib, kite baca yaasin. Yang ni selalu jugak kitorang amalkan kat umah ni. Dan sebelum masuk waktu Maghrib tu, kita disunatkan baca doa akhir tahun. Lepas solat Maghrib lak, kita bacalah plak doa awal tahun. haa gitu...tak tau doa? takpe..boleh try tengok kat sini.

Maka, tahun baru, azam pun kenela baru. Ingat korang bukak skola je nak baju baru ke. Ha azam pun mestila baru. Jangan azam mengarut2 dah ler..berazamlah supaya tahun ini kita lebih banyak melakukan ibadah kepadaNya. InsyaAllah.

Selamat Menyambut Maal Hijrah Yang ke 1432H

Oki: Azamku, supaya aku dapat mengekalkan perubahan yang aku lakukan skang nih selagi masih bernafas.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Welcome home, December!

Yeah, bulan disember kembali lagi!
tak tahu mengapa, bulan disember ni rasenye bulan paling best bagi aku. Mungkin sebab setiap kali bulan disember adalah CUTI! Haha (padahal cuti da stat lame da) dan musim2 cuti ni la paling sesak kalau nak pegi bercuti dalam Malaysia. Sebab tu la skang ni ramai orang bercuti ke LUAR NEGARA!

Tak penah2 lagi seumur idup aku pegi lua negara. Kalu tanye camne bentuk passport tu mesti terkinja2 aku fikir camne la bentuknye. ahakz~ Dalam negara pun tak abeh bercuti lagi. Ade hati nak pegi lua negara. Kalaulah aku diberi peluang pegi lua negara, negara mane yang aku nak pegi? Aku pun tak tau sebab aku tak penah terfikir nak ke luar negara. Tapi rasenye nak pegi Australia kot..sebab? Ade KANGAROO! haha...seriously. Dari kecik aku memang suke kangaroo. Ade skali abah aku pegi Australia, mase aku skola rendah lagi, die rakam video kangaroo. Gembira giler kot aku tengok kangaroo tu. Hahaha~ xD

Tapi walau camne pun, andai diberi peluang, aku memang nak sangat pegi Mekah. Sejak lpas SPM lagi aku da terfikir nak pegi Mekah, cume tak kesampaian la. huhu. takde budget kot. Segan la mintak kat Mak Abah. Hehe. Camne rasenye ye kalu g umrah?? Mengelilingi Kaabah, mencium hajar aswad.. :|

Kepada yang bakal/sedang/telah bercuti tu,

Selamat Bercuti ye rakan2!

Oki: Takde yang nak mengajak ker? hehe~

Monday, November 29, 2010


Its 29.11.10
it's been 5 years since then
and 2 and a half years since we get over it

who knew
while I'm still having my interest in you
you were actually looking forward into another guy
maybe it's my fault for not treating you well
or I'm not good enough for you.

And for the 3rd times
(since I've slip it out from my mouth twice)
since the day I promised you not to tell anyone
(and I didn't remember you do the same thing)
I'm going to make it clear to all of my frens.

I've been single for the past 2 & half years.

So much things to make it clear.
But I think it's worthless now.
Goodbye, heart.

Syauqi: Karma. Setiap orang akan merasanya.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

DONE! My To Do List.

Yeah! After some hours of thinking.
I decided this is what I'm gonna do this semester break.

1. Cutting.

No, I'm not gonna bulking, since my body fat percentage has greatly increased. (I'm still gonna blame my practical training for that!) Instead I'm gonna do cutting! What's that? So, bulking is all about you getting bulky, taking good amount of fat in food. Good one I'm saying. With the controlled frequently meal consuming. While cutting means, you stop taking all that 'good amount of fat' in food. Low fat food, on diet....what else? Some good cardio.

2. Brush up my ENGLISH!

Yes, this is very important, as for my next sem, there will be a subject called Presentation Skill (if I'm not mistaken). From what my friends said, there will be a LOT of speaking in front of the class. Damn I'm nervous. Sometimes my English speaking tempo is high enough to make me use only half of the given time (based on my experience) which is not good. Imagine when you were given 10minutes to speak, and according to your outline, with all the points and conclusion, it is enough for 10minutes, but not for the speaking. sigh

3. catch my fitness back.

It's been a long time since I stop doing high intense training, like training in Taekwondo class, and my fitness level has greatly decreased. Just 4 round of jog at the park at the back of my house, and I already 'pancit'. It's kinda embarrased me. Hoho..but thanks to my NEW SHOE, jogging everyday is achievable. =)

4. Take care of AQIL when no ones at home.

Usually, my mak will be the nanny. But she cant be the nanny all the time. She still got some things to do. She sell 'telekung', hand made. Taking care of a 2+ years baby while sewing, greatly increase the time taken to finish the order. Also, sometimes my mak will go to the mosque, 'mengaji' class. When Aqil's father is not home, I'm gonna take over then.

So, whats not on the list? Things that every students do while semester break. Work, that is. That can be replaced by number 4. =|
(disamping meningkatkan amal ibadah bagi menyiapkan diri untuk bertemu denganNya)

Oki: Hohoi...musim merayau da tibe~

Monday, November 15, 2010

End Of Semester: The Outro

As some of you may have known,
kini berakhirlah peperiksaan akhir semester ku.
nope...xberapa gembira sangat.
sebab da sambut awal2 da kegembiraan tuh.

Ok, so tentang sepanjang semester pertama Degree ku.

Dulu mase aku nak masuk degree, ramai orang cakap "degree susah weh" , "degree xsame macam diploma tau". Of cos la xsame,sebab tu name die degree, bukan diploma -_-"
and seriously, from my view of point, sebenarnya degree tu TAK SUSAH. Tapi yang membuatkannya SUSAH sebab wujudnya sikap "Procrastinate" dalam darah. Huhu.
(atau menangguh kerja)

Ni betul punya...xtipu tau. Antara buktinye, mase group aku baru nak stat buat projek untuk software engineering, ade group dari kelas lain da nak siap da pun. And while reaching 50% of my project, that group had already finished their software. Damn nice...lepas tu mula la hujung2 banyak masalah, last2 aku kene buat balik software tuh. Sangat penat.

So far, my 1st sem here was good. The lecturers......no comment.
This is what can I say from my 1st sem experience:

NEVER Procrastinate

Untuk final pulak, well...sem ni 1st time kot aku buat past year paper untuk sume subjek...dan dalam kuantiti yang banyak. Wau! (clap2) kalu xlulus jugak aku xtau la nak cakap ape..

Abih exam, maknenya da stat cuti. So I need to make my To-Do List for this holiday.
Emm.....let's see..........
(sketch sketch)


Oki: Da nak konvo da....

Friday, November 12, 2010

Berukkah? Broga Hill la...

Sedang didalam musim peperiksaan
ade seorang makhluk yang xsedar diri
masih ade lagi satu final paper untuk ditempuh
pergi mendaki Broga Hill
Maka berangkat la beliau pada pagi 11/11/2010
jam 0600

Hutan yang perlu dirempuh dulu

Those yang pergi.
(from left: Capiqa,Bella,Atiqa,Sapik)

View from below

View from the 1st(or half?) checkpoint


Keseorangan...xseperti Dr.Syeikh Muszaphar & isterinya.

With my bestie~ Syafiq J

Great experience for me.
Since this is my 1st time hiking(kre hiking ke nih?) secara layan diri.
But quite dissappointed sebab xdapat reach the top.
I'll definitely going back there to reach the top.

To Afif:
Aku ase ko patut bersyukur sebab xdapat ikut. Tengok baju aku bpeluh macam mane. haha..ade iras2 naik tangga batu cave fakulti kite gak la...

and lastly, thx sebab ajak aku~

Oki: Ok...back to the study desk....

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Exam ended. Unofficially.

As you have known, only 1 final exam paper left for me.
I don't know.
Maybe because the final exam only give 30% to the marks.
70% for Tests and project?
That was lot!

And roughly calculate,
I got 50% for Test 1,
50% for Test 2,
and assuming 70% from project,
total I would get......
(I forgot the assignment....)
not including final exam paper
and THAT was a mark for LULUS the subject!
haha...damn right!
I may just step into the exam hall/room,
sign the attendance,
wait for 30min (since no student allowed to leave the room within 30min),
step out of the hall/room.


But I'm not gonna do that.
I'm not the kind of having the thought of "Lulus je.."
If possible, do it all your best.
Flood the paper with all your knowledge.
and InsyaAllah,
we can PASS the subject with FLYING COLOR!
(as they always said)

since this is the subject of full-of-theory,
damn...I NEED to study after all..

Oki: So....study?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Special post for a special fren

Hanya ingin mengucapkan,
Selamat hari jadi yang ke-xx
kepada Afif Azfar Bin Rashid!

Semoga dimurahkan rezeki
dipanjangkan umur dalam iman
dan dpermudahkan segala urusan
didunia dan diakhirat

Semakin bertambah umur,
semakin menghampiri kematian
banyak2kn la amal ibadat ye..

Ha ko xkan jumpe aku wish ko kat tempat laen
kat laman sosial ke
henset ko ker
emel ko ker
kad raya ker
saje nak wish ko kat cni

So sebagai Jackpot sebab ko bace ni,
kalu ko jumpe aku ko cakap
"hai syauqi yang kacak lagi bergaya"
itu kata rahsia kalu ko nak hadiah dari aku
insyaAllah ade...
(tertakluk kepada Afif je. Org laen xdkira)
(tertakluk pada tarikh 8/11/2010 jer, sebelum jam 2359)

Oki: Sebagai permulaan, aku hadiahkan ko, final exam CSC510!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Si montel

Tengah2 seorang anak duduk sarapan pagi dekat dapur
berlaku satu perbicaraan tak rasmi antara beliau dan maknya

Mak: nanti da habis exam nak buat ape?
Beliau: nak tambah berat badan
Mak: ape? tak dengar la..
Beliau: nak tambah berat badan..
Mak: oooo...ha yela muka pun da MONTEL da tu..
Beliau: . . . . . .

yeah...damn right. wakakakaka~
tapi tambah berat badan dengan cara yang sihat ye

(^_^) y peace~~

Oki: Montel sangat ke aku nih??

Perbicaraan tambahan:
Mak: U** jaga Aqil la kat umah ek? Kalu mak nak pegi mengaji nanti u** tolong tengok2kan Aqil kat umah.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Good luck!

The time has come
Good luck to all of my frenz
(and me)
who will be facing the final exam

Bersama2 kite berdoa untuk kejayaan bersama

Maaf kalu ade salah dan silap ye~

STUDY--> (-_-!!) <--STUDY

Oki: Good luck to 'you' too...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Has it ended already?????

To day was the last presentation for this semester.
And the last class also.
But not after the lecturer said:

"Kite ade lagi satu chapter xabeh kn? ble u all free mgu nih?"
"Esk kte bwt klas ok?"

Thank you.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Masih Belum Stabil?

Ahh...nak dekat seminggu da sejak presentation aku
(see previous post)
Tapi otak dan minda ni masih tak stabil2 lagi.
Bilik masih bersepah.
Makan minum masih tidak teratur.
Waktu tidur pun da tak tetap.
Bersenam apatah lagi.

But hen it comes to Left 4 Dead:
"Weh, jom Left 4 Dead malam ni"
"Tarahal la..."

Dan mata ini akan segar
sesegar baru bangun pagi kat dalam CyberCafe tu.

Game yang dimainkan pada tengah2 malam

Oki: Bahaya tol la duk Shah Alam nih -_-!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I Hearts NetBean!

11/10/2010 | 6.05 p.m.
As I finished my presentation for my Software Engineering Project, I can feel the burden greatly fall off. Yes, this is, the most burden-full project among all of the subjects that we need to do this semester.

Well, actually not so burden, unless the project making officially start a couple of week before the presentation. And that what we do. Haha...Procrastinating is a stupid thing to do. -_-!

But it is fun, where almost all of our class stay up late until around 4,5 in the morning,gathering, making our own 'village' in McDonald at section 2. Some of them may have done that for maybe for a week. While I just start doing that 3days before the presentation. With just 2 hours of sleeping a day, it is hell tiring. Especially when you have to wake up again in the morning (on top of sleeping in the morning?) to do the quiz. Study or not, is another story. *sigh*

And the last day of completing the software, starting from 12am, trying to integrate/combine the fragment of the coding, until 5am, I feel like its just a hell wasting of my time, where the software got more error. With the total of 6000+ line of java coding to be debug, it is hopeless.

The next day..I mean, in that morning, I had to skipped my class to do it all again, from K to Z. since A to J was already done =) With the total of another 5hour, we manage to complete the software just before the presentation starts. Alhamdulillah~

And here are some screenshot of my software:

and yes, it can be run on supported handphone. Well, specifically said, maybe Nokia model only. Since Sony seems cannot run this apps.

And thanks to all my team members,

Alia Syahida
Sharul Ain
Luqman Hakim

for making this application doable. I cant tell how grateful I'am for having you all as my group members. And thanks for not killing me after all the works that I gave. Hehe..

Oki: Otak masih xstabil lagi. huhu~

Friday, October 8, 2010


Lagha thing?
Hang out?
Ape tu?

(Kesan pembikinan beberapa projek tanpa henti selama beberapa hari)

Dengan tarikh pembentangan projek yang bakal menjelma,
tapi projek tak siap lagi.

Dengan test yang tumbuh bak cendawan,
tapi tak study lagi.

Ya, final exam hampir tiba.
Terima kasih kerana mengingatkan kami.

Oki: Baru menyedari bahawa saya adalah seorang pelajar X(

Friday, September 24, 2010

Things that never been closed

I never closed my room's door
unless my sister-in-law were at home

I never switch off my ceiling fan
unless someone else did it

I never closed my mobile
unless it is out of battery

I never close my Google Chrome
unless I feel like it

I never logout of my 'social web' account
unless I close my Google Chrome

I never close my Yahoo Messenger
unless someone else needs to use it

I never close left side of my window with curtain
unless there's a curtain attached there

I never switch off my laptop
unless it feels like exploding
(which is after the several weeks)

I never close my BitComet
unless all the download task has been completed

Oki: I'll never close my hearts to u, unless u do it first. Ceteris Paribus.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


When you got something interesting to share
not too long
not too short
where would you want to post it?

Facebook status?
Facebook notes?
Myspace Blog?
MySpace status?
YM Status?

Perhaps too many ways
for different viewers


forgot to mention twitter...
oh and the latest, tumblr?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Raya Ku 2010

"Huh? Xde ketupat??!!"

And that was my first sigh when its already night of the raya and no ketupat was made. Sebab aku memang suke menganyam ketupat yang berpuluh2 but none this year T_T. it is fun thought to anyam the ketupat and make it look like ketupat, and not other thing -_-!

Enough of ketupat, and this is how my raya happened.

As usual in the morning of raya after the raya prayer akan ade sesi ceramah (tazkirah?) and sesi beraya sesama keluarga. and as usual jugak dari situ duit raya ku akan terus mencecah 3 angka. (it's normal la kn?) despite I have many siblings who are working already. Hehe~

1st raya balik banting lepas semayang jumaat. Sosilawati? Ish kes tu menjatuhkan reputasi banting btol la. huhu..nothing special with my first raya...and no angpau too!...oh kejap. ade la dapat satu sampul. Naseb baek la balik lambat sket malam tuh. hehe

2nd raya pulak pegi umah sedare kat Tersang,Pahang umah pak andak. It should be ramai yang datang but ade yang xdapat datang then only a few (but many to me) yang datang.

The best part is, kat halaman umah die ade kolam ikan. xdela besar sangat tapi banyak jugak la ikan. Since abang aku ni gile mancing so die pun nak la try mancing ikan dalam tu. Maka bertatihla pak teh aku "ha jom kite mancing ikan dalam kolam ni tengok orang salu mancing dapat ke orang yang xsalu mancing dapat dulu ikan". cabar pak teh ku kat abang aku.

Dalam masa kurang dari 2minit kail diturunkan, maka tersentaplah mata kail tu kat mulut ikan..ikan patin! yang berjaya dinaikkan oleh pak teh ku. haha...buat malu jela abang aku nih. and another ikan patin pun berjaya dinaikkan oleh....pak teh ku jugak. haha...

Pak Teh dengan tangkapan beliau~

Oh and there is another fish pond (much bigger) kt depan umah die. ade ikan tilapia je dalam tu. dan cubaan pertama ku terus membuahkan hasil menaikkan ikan tilapia sekor :D besar tapak tangan aku jela tapi.

Angpau ? semestinye TIADA! dengan alasan "ha ni da ade generasi baru kn? anak irus, epul tu jela dapat." dan ia bermaksud anak2 buah aku jela yang dapat. Huh tbe2 aku benci anak buah ku ;(
berkurangan la pendapatan tahunan aku camni...

Papepun, angpau xpenting, yang penting hubungan erat antara saudara yang masih terjalin tanpa masalah2 sehingga skang. :)

Selamat hari raya~

Oki: Jumlah kutipan:Rm2x.xx (tak termasuk yang famili bagi) hehe

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

1 Syawal 1431H

Raya sebulan, so masih sempat lagi nak ucapkan,

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
Maaf zahir dan batin
(kalu ade la...)

Gambar same template cam taun lepas. xde idea da. huhu.
Ye, saya memang gemar menyengetkan gambar xp

Oki: Soalan taun ni lak, sape yang xde dalam gamba? ^_^

Monday, September 6, 2010

Cross eyes~

The picture seems normal.
Is it?
Jom kita maen2 ngan mate kite jap a.k.a julingkan mata!

step 1: Jarakkan mata anda dengan skrin anda sejauh..satu tangan. Pastikan kepala korang lurus.
step 2: Korang tengok line itam yang tengah2 tu...(pembahagi antara 2 gambar)
step 3: sedikit demi sedikit, korang julingkan mata korang.
step 4: By this step korang patut da notice something. yeah~
step 5: adjust jarak mata anda dengan skrin untuk menampakkan lagi efek die. ouh yeah~
step 6: Nak lagi bes, korang gerak2kan la kepala korang kekiri dan kekanan.

Selamat mencuba! ^_^

1. Kalu korang nampak 2 kotak (maknenye gamba skang ni la) mknenye korang xbuat pape pun lagi.
2. Kalu korang nampak ade 4 kotak, maknenye korang terlebih juling. Kurangkan juling tu.
3. Kalu korang nampak 3 kotak, maknenye korang da berjaya. Pastikan kotak tengah tu adalah gambar overlap antara kotak 1 dan kotak 2.

Oki: Jangan salahkan aku kalu korang pening2. hehe~

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ramadan : 10 Malam Terakhir

10 akhir Ramadhan adalah merupakan di antara malam-malam yang penuh dengan keberkatan dan kelebihan yang tertentu. Malam-malam ini adalah merupakan malam yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh seluruh orang mukmin. Bulan Ramadhan, Al Quran dan malam Lailatulqadar mempunyai hubungan yang rapat antara satu sama lain sebagaimana yang diterangkan di dalam kitab Allah dan hadis Rasulullah s.a.w. di antaranya firman Allah s.w.t.

Maksudnya: "Sesungguhnya kami menurunkan Al-Quran pada malam Lailatulqadar dan apakah yang menyebabkan engkau mengerti apa itu Lailatulqadar. Lailatulqadar lebih baik daripada 1000 bulan. Pada malam itu, para malaikat dan Jibril turun dengan keizinan daripada Tuhan mereka untuk setiap urusan. Malam ini sejahtera hingga terbit fajar".
[sumber DiSini]

Sedar atau tidak, sebenarnya dah 20 hari kita berpuasa.
Alhamdulillah..kita masih dapat bertahan sehingga kini.
Alhamdulillah jugak sebab kita masih lagi bernafas sehingga kini untuk merasai nikmat berpuasa.
So, total ade la lagi 10 hari kita nak berpuasa
ha lepas tu bolehla kite beraya sakan ek. huhu
Yela, raya aidilfiri kan datang sekali je dalam kalendar Islam setiap tahun.

Tapi raya raya la jugak.
Jangan sampai lupa, ade jugak benda lain yang sekali je dalam kalendar Islam.
(padahal banyak je bnda yang skali dalam kalendar Islam)
Itulah die malam LailatulQadar~

So ape yang special nye malam lailatulqadar ni???
Ha bagi yang xtau ni kawe nok oyak nih.

Satu malam lailatulqadar ni, ibadah yang kita buat umpama beramal selama 1000 bulan!
(correct me if I'm wrong)
Haa..so sape xnak kan?
kalu orang bagi bekalan makanan untuk setahun pun mesti korang nak kn?
Rasulullah s.a.w sendiri pun bersungguh2 beribadah dalam 10 malam terakhir ni berbanding malam2 yang lain.

So sementara masih ade masa ni, marilah kite bersama2 mengejar malam lailatulqadar ni..
Tapi bile?
Ha ni kawe nok oyak ag nih..

Malam lailatulqadar wujud salah satu dalam malam 10 yang terakhir ni la.
Cume bila, tu je yang kite xtau.
Ade para ulama' yang meramalkan, malam lailatulqadar ni wujud antara malam2 ganjil, iaitu malam yang ke 21,23,25,27, dan 29.

So malam yang konfirmnye? Tidak..tiada siapa pun yang tahu.
Itu antara rahsia2 Allah, same seperti rahsia bila kita akan menemuiNya.

Tapi yang pasti, jangan la kita beribadah semata2 kerana malam lailatulqadar tu je.
Malam2 yang lain xnak pulak beribadah.
Jangan la buat camtu plak ye~

Inilah sedikit sebanyak peringatan untuk sume, dan untuk diri saya sendiri.

Oki: Dah xsabar da student2 nak balik raya~

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ramadan : Halfway to Eid

If you have realised it, it's already half of the Ramadhan.
So how's your ibadah?
Did you manage to do full tarawikh so far?
Honestly for me, I'm not.

Up until now, there must already many challenge given to us by Allah.
To test whether we can face the challenge or not.

talking about challenge, think that I just face it this morning x(

Harini aku ade test Mat423. (malas speaking da)
alkisah macam biasala, tiap2 pagi abang aku akan hantar aku pegi kelas.
nak dijadikan cerita, tibe2 plak abang aku xde pagi tadi.
tapi masih ade lagi kenderaan yang laen:
1. Skuter yang dah mati roadtax
2. Kereta Iswara yang statusnye unknown(sbnanye elok)

Maka berkatalah daku kepada mak ku:
"biar *** naik moto jela..parking kt sek2 tu naek bas masuk dalam"
"ish jangan la. moto tu road tax da la mati. kang xpasal2 ade polis cek kang"

Kalu mak korg da cakap camtu, jangan berbalah lagi da. tu doa sebenanye. so xyah ngade2 ek. uhu.
Tengah2 aku fikir tu tibe2 aku teringat;adik aku da balik umah smalam! suh jela die antar. huahuahua!!!

mula2 nak suh adik aku anta nek kete, tapi ade lagi suara yang berkumandang:
"xpayah la naek kete tu. xtau elok ke x tu".
kata mak ku lagi

Ok...last option. adik aku anta ke bus stop nek moto! hoho~
ouh yeah~ akhirnye ade gak transport.
tapi ia xberakhir disitu saje.
elok2 sampai kat simpang blakang umah aku je, trus mati skuter tu.
hahahaha. ciss!!!!
naseb baek laa dekat je..! jalan jela kaki balik umah.

Jam da menunjukkan 8.30+..ish..
konfem lambat la aku nak jawab Test arini yang sepatutnye bermula pada pukul 8.30.
Maka, nak xnak kene la tunggu abang aku lagi sorang balik umah jap.
dalam kul8.45 akhirnye sampai juga aku ke dewan kuliah 2 dimana test tu diadakan.
dan akulah orang terakhir yang masuk ke dalam dewan tu
dan setelah jam hampir menunjukkan 10.00,(waktu test tamat)
kerana Allah itu maha penyayang dan pemurah
tiba2 lecturer pun berkata:
"apa kata kalau kita extend masa lagi 30minit. Ok"

Alhamdulillah..dapat gak masa tambahan. (walaupun sbnanye da siap da pn) ehe

itulah antara dugaan2 yang aku tempuhi setakat nih.
dan ia berjaya ditempuh tanpa sebarang kata2 kesat dikeluarkan ;D

Dan ingatlah, walau apapun yang berlaku, ia adalah ujian daripadaNya.
Tempuhilah ia dengan hati yang tenang.

Kita selalu berdoa supaya lebih kuat menghadapi dugaan, maka Allah memberikan kita ujian supaya kita dapat menguatkan diri kita.
Kita selalu berdoa supaya dapat berfikir dengan bijak, maka Allah memberikan kita lebih masalah supaya kita boleh berfikir dengan lebih baik.
Kita selalu berdoa supaya mendapat kebahagiaan, maka Allah memberikan kita keadaan yang huru-hara supaya kita lebih tabah dalam kehidupan

Oki: Sebenarnye skuter tu mati sebab xde minyak upenye. haha

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

7 hari berpuasa.

Masuk harini da 7 kali kte berbuka (bagi yang pose pnuh stakat nih)
dan malam ke-8 bertarawih
So, berpuasa didalam minggu kuliah?
da biasa da..
kalu ikutkn, da 3 sem aku bpuasa mase waktu minggu kuliah kt UiTM.
Cume bezanya, sblum ni kt UiTM Jengka
tapi skang up sket, dkt UiTM Shah Alam.

Sepanjang 7 hari ni mmg penat
(bayangkn kalu xpose pn da pnat)
but it is bearable
since kte pn mmg dlm bulan pose ni.
nafsu nk mkn pn kurg xmcm sblm ni.

nk cte sket. ade la stu kesah ni..
pose pertama: lecturer suh baca buku prepare utk quiz esknye
tp esknye, pnye la bg lecture smpi tlupe nk bwt quiz (die yg ckp..uhu)
so kne la postpone ke mgu dpn.
which mean today.
al kisah lpas ktorg da masuk lab komputer
dgn ilmu sbyk 99 slide didlm otak,
beliau berkate,
"kte bwt quiz esk ye"
sabo jela...

Tu je nk cte sbnanye. hahaha...
xdela tpu je.

Next pasal tiket blk raya plak.
ha jgn tkjut kalu org ckp bru pose kedua da bli da.
Tp sbnanye mmg cmtu pn.
Kalu lmbt bli, alamat balik lmbt
atau kne blk awal sgt dimana kne ponteng klas
atau xblk langsung (too harsh...)
but alhamdulillah...
this sem I got no problem with that

7 down..23 more to go...
Selamat Meneruskan Ibadah Puasa

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Salam Ramadhan

it's already 2nd of Ramadhan.
Hope it's still not too late.

Ahlan wa sahlan ya Ramadhan.
Selamat berpuasa kepada semua umat Islam yang masih mampu berpuasa.
Marilah bersama2 kita merebut bonus yang hanya ada pada bulan ini.

Oki: Pose penuh ye...tp pose yang-yok xkre. huhu~

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Month: The Chorus

It's been a month now since my study in UiTM Shah Alam started.
So , the first week is tiring, how 'bout the first month?

The first thing that I'm gonna look into is either to buy a rapid pass for Rm40 or stick to the Rm1-per-ride concept to go to the class. huhu~

As you can see above, it only cost me Rm18 for THIS month.
(next? remain unknown)
You may notice that there are days where I'm not on the bus.

Sometimes, I may go to the class with my fren,
if and only if we have the same time to go to the class.

Sometimes, I may get back home with my fren,
if and only if we have the same time to went back home.


This is all thanx to Mohd Syafiq Jasmin who is willingly and generously fetch me from home to the class together.

Nope, we are not in the same program. Not in the same group.
And for those yang selalu tak puas hati sebab kitorang (me,syafiq,afif azfar) asyik same je, ha skang kitorang tak same dah. Syafiq was in different program, Afif's same as mine, but 1 semester higher than me. Haha~


Me and Syafiq have 1 class in common, which is Arab class.
Me and Afif have 2 class in common.

So, back to the ticket matter, maybe I should just stick to the pay-per-ride concept.
That may be worth for the time being...

And, for my first month's conclusion, less tiring, since I've used to it now.
Let's pray that it's going better after this =)

Oki: Somehow, the date '29' always catch my eyes....

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Excuse Me??

Sedang ku membaca dan menelaah banner sebaik melepasi pintu kaca didalam bangunan Bank Islam dihadapan Hotel Blue Wave, tiba2 datang seorang wanita:

beliau: Ya encik..
aku: takde pape..saya saje je tengok2..
beliau: ouh..encik bekerja ke student?
aku: err saya student lagi...
beliau: Student? umur encik bape?
aku: erm..21 tahun.

beliau: (sambil mata terbeliak seketika..) 21?! ye ke...?
aku: a'a..saya 21 la..tak caye ke?
beliau: yeke..tapi nampak macam da matured je.....
aku: ...

(perbicaraan selepas ini telah dipotong kerana tidak official)

Beliau pon kembali ke kaunter beliau..dengan keadaan hampa?
Beliau adalah pekerja yang berkhidmat sebagai promoter dekat situ.

ouh2..seriously, apakah yang cuba disampaikan oleh beliau; adakah kerana rupaku tampak kelihatan tua? atau ia disebabkan rambutku yang mid-long, kumisku yang pendek, pemakaianku serta kasut kerjaku yang membuatkan beliau berkata begitu? *sigh*

(dalam masa yang same terasa bangga dan tersindir sebentar. uhu)

Oki: I saw someone look like 'her' while having my lunch in the cafe..except the chubby version. ermm

Friday, July 9, 2010

A Week : The Intro

Kehidupanku sebagai seorang pelajar bermula lagi.
Kebanyakan orang akan cakap,
"First impression is important"
dan itulah yang aku akan cakap pasal minggu pertama aku
tentang kehidupanku sebagai seorang pelajar


If sesape dapat sambung blaja at UiTM Shah Alam ni,
(others, forget this)
consider these thing 1st before you move on:

1. Make sure you have your own transportation (car,motor,etc)
2. Make sure korang dapat kemudahan kolej (bagi yang duk jauh)
3. Make sure korang amek pinjaman/biasiswa
4. If #2 xdapat dipenuhi, pastikan korang da cari rumah sewa awal2.
5. If #1 xdapat dipenuhi, pastikan kawan serumah/sebilik korang ade kete dan mempunyai jadual yang same waktu dengan anda. Dan pastikan beliau sanggup tumpangkan anda ke kelas.
6. If #5 xdapat dipenuhi, pastikan anda mempunyai kesabaran yang tinggi untuk tunggu/naek bas
7. If #3 xdapat dipenuhi, pastikan anda mempunyai rakan yang pemurah =)
8. If #7 xdapat dipenuhi, pastikan anda seorang yang berduit

Dan jika tiada satu pun dalam list ini dapat anda penuhi,
lupakan niat anda untuk meneruskan pengajian anda...di UiTM Shah Alam

bukan menghasut, tapi untuk kebaikan korang jugak...kalau korang tiada usaha.
xnak la nanti lepas korang da masuk korang merungut "malasnye nak blaja"
xnak la nanti lepas korang da masuk korang merungut "mengarutnye jadual"
xnak la nanti lepas korang da masuk korang merungut "menyesal aku sambung"
Sesungguhnya merungut itu adalah berdosa, dan bermaksud tidak dapat menerima ketentuanNya.

So....for me?
Ya, ia memang memenatkan.
Dengan jadual yang entahapapaentah.
2jam kelas pagi, then rehat 2jam, then kelas 2jam, then rehat lagi 2jam, then kelas terakhir.
untuk yang tidak berkenderaan, terpaksala duk melangut kat foyer situ. *sigh
Kalu ade kelas yang jauh lak, kne la naek bas (ya...memang jauh) (-_-!)

Tapi inilah kehidupan.
Bukan semuanya senang seperti yang diidamkan
Bukan semuanya senang seperti yang dimimpikan
Bukan semuanya boleh dicapai

So, hadapilah ia dengan tenang, insayaAllah, segalanya akan berjalan dengan lancar.

Oki: 13 minggu je lagi! (think positive...)

Monday, July 5, 2010

A Journey Begins.....Not yet!

Today is the 1st day I'm facing my new life as a degree student. Since I'm not register my courses(subject) yet, so I'm so not gonna go to the class. Haha...at least for today.

There was a meeting with the head of program in the afternoon with all of the new student. The purpose of the meeting was to...I dunno. But the most important is the plan of study list! Haha...with this, now I am able to know which subject I have to register. Since we are not registered any subject yet (and that's why I'm not going to the class today) Hehe..

After the meeting, my frens, which from the different program, but same faculty, insist to go the class. Since many of them are in same program, they can do whatever with their frens..following their every steps. Unlike me, I'm the only person from UiTM Jengka taking my program. So there's no one to follow, and I'm all mine. Haha..means...I'm not going to the class =)

Studying in UiTM Shah Alam is tired. Especially if you dont have the transportation *sigh*. If you are 'lucky', you will found yourself in the schedule, running from 2 different building with the distance of almost 2km for one class, and back to the previous building. Huh..

As the conclusion, even if your house's near to the UiTM, it's still useless unless you have a car/motorcycle/bus. Haha...serve me right..my motorcycle's down and in blank brain of how am I going to the class. Ermm....

Oki: nampak gaya kene tunggu bas tiap2 hari la selagi motor xelok....

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Pagi ni aku pergi buat medical checkup. Disebabkan nak masuk degree, sebagai pelajar baru (ye...baru) kene la buat medical checkup..wajib tuh.

Macam yang kita tau, stiap kali medical checkup mesti akan ade urine test. So sebagai persediaan, dari umah lagi aku da tahan selama sejam dari pegi tandas untuk memastikan ade 'hasilnya' nanti. Haha...

Lepas je kluakan duit dari bank Islam, maka berkatalah saudara Syafiq Jasmin,
"Nak buat dekat mane?"
"La, dekat DEMC la...kt sek9 tuh"
"Cube tengok tu" (sambil menunjukkan bangunan baru DEMC)

Ya..mungkin ramai yang da tahu, dan mungkin ada yang tidak. Tapi aku nak bgtau jugak.
DEMC da berpindah di belakang Bank Islam yang dekat Blue Wave tu ye. Seksyen 14. Huhu..bestnye dapat rase hospital baru. And since it's still new, some of the service are still down..or should I say, not available yet. Salah satunye parking berbayar. Stakat ni FOC lagi yeh~ suke2..oh dan kalu korang gelak sebab ade kereta macam ketera safari dekat situ, janganlah gelak kuat2/lama2 sangat. Sebab tu sebenanye kereta yang digunakan untuk bawak patient dari tempat parking ke pintu utama hospital tu.

So kat kaunter tu nanti, first thing yang akan disuruh oleh nurse cantik tu ialah "Sila isikan urine setengah botol ya". Haha..I've well prepared for it =p
Seterusnya, nurse cantik tu tadi akan bagi bil untuk dibayar. Ye, bayar dulu baru buat pemeriksaan ye. I took the student package, which cost Rm63.50 total. Yeah..with a bottle of urine on my hand, berjalan2 bersama. Haha...

Selepas itu, urine tu kena bawak pergi dekat Diagnostic Lab. Tau2 la dorg nak buat pe dengan air seni aku tuh. And the next part is the best..almost best.

After that, Imaging Diagnostic (or X-ray lab) will be the last station. and this is where the best part start. Sementara menunggu giliran aku masuk bilik x-ray, doktor panggil sorang girl ni dlu. Lama lepas tu doktor tu panggil aku plak. Dengan gagah aku pun masuk la bilik x-ray tu. Nurse cantik tu pun memberi arahan;

"Adik masuk bilik persalinan ni, pastu buka baju..nanti kitorang nak xray"

dan sejurus selepas doktor cantik tu abeh cakap je tiba2 kedengaran suara pompuan;

"Eh belum2! Saya tengah tuka baju lagi nih!"

dan suara tu datang dari bilik persalinan tu tadi. Haha...nasib baek la girl tu cepat bertindak. Kang xpasal2 rezeki aku masuk bilik tu tadi..Hehe~

Doktor cantik tadi tu pun suruh aku kua balik. huhu

Lepas abis x-ray tu, kne tunggu untuk cek tinggi, berat, mata, etc. Dan keseluruhan proses medical checkup ni mengambil masa selama 2 jam (tidak termasuk menunggu doktor gi lunch. grrr....) dan alhamdulillah segalanya berjalan dengan lancar....kecuali....



Oki: Atas permintaan sapik, die suruh tanya;
Kenapa kucing suka makan ikan, tapi kucing xpandai berenang??
ha...jawab2! huhu...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Adjactive:Diploma. Comparative: Degree!

"Big - Bigger - Biggest
Small - Smaller - Smallest
Smart - Smarter - Smartest
Diploma - Degree - Master!"

Haha...I can still remember that story while in my BEL (English) class, where we discussed about comparative and superlative. Such a creative way of thinking la..not mentioning another student create another superlative which start with word transform; Transform, transformer, transformers! Haha..actually this was a story she (the lecturer) told us from the class she taught in previous class.

So after diploma, here comes another challenge: Degree. I still remember on the day back, where I were thinking, "Wah diploma..cant wait to face it.." and feel proud of it with the thought of "I'm a big guy now!" haha. After a few moments, while still studying , it start to change to, "sigh..it's just a diploma..there's more to face to be proud of it" with the thought of, we are still a kid.

But here now, after finish my diploma, comes another challenge; Degree! Yeah!

So the result for the degree intake had been released last 2 week. I don't know, maybe b'coz some said that if you are from UiTM and applied for UiTM for degree, the chances to further the study is 100%, and that worry me not. However, there are still some of my friends that didn't manage to further their study...and that make me worry. But Alhamdullillah, I got the chances to further my study in UiTM.

There's still a week to prepare my checklist for the registration. Medical checkup? hurm..is it necessary? Last time when I register for my diploma, no one insist to see it..and all the new student carried that big envelope of x-ray all over the hall...dah macam ape tah. haha.

So all the best!!

UiTM Shah Alam
Here I come!
(macam la xpenah masuk. haha)

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Randomness #01

Well..since I'm kinda bored in the moment, posting some random thing(s) wont hurt right~

1. If vegetarian eats vegetables, what does humanitarian eats?

2. Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie!

3. You cant touch your ear with your elbow.

4. You wont know that you were snoring. Because you are asleep!

5. It is useless to have expensive phone but with no phone credit. *sigh

6. It only cost 10 Cent to buy a glass of 'Air Sirap' when I was in standard 1.

7. The word "Studying" only applicable on the exam period since that is the only time where the student is dying (Student + dying = Studying)

8. Major of the shop in the shopping mall are women's item shop.

9. When a girl wearing man apparel, it seems ok. But not vice versa.

10. I hate to admit it, but, many of you try to touch your ear with your elbow after #3. You are not? Good!

Have a nice day!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Bila aku bukak je emel tiba2 ade emel dari UiTM menyatakan 'UiTM EXAMINATION RESULT FOR SEMESTER 20102'. Aha..so UiTM did make some enhancement on their services..while other college/University had already did this services long before. huhu..and maybe, they should send this emel on the day they announced the result..well a day late will not hurt. But almost a week delay? Well...keep it up, all I can say.

So keputusan peperiksaan (atau praktikal..hehe) telah diumumkan 10hb Jun lepas. As usual, every UiTM'ers will be in cursing, swearing, hating (or whatever they called it) mode! Haha..this is due to the inefficiency of UiTM system server..well that's what they, the students called. But to the people who had deal and knew about the server thing, its not a big deal. Words like "Upgrade la server tu!" or anything like this..its just shows that you are a short-wit person. Its not like the cost entirely similar to buying a single laptop. *sigh*

Jadi seperti biasa, aku pun ade kebiasaannye. Tidak, aku tidak seperti mereka. Sedang mereka mencarut2 dan berusaha check result, aku akan keluar bergembira. Haha...gembira la sangat. Ni da kali ke-3 rasenye..lbih2 lagi sem ni cume ade kputusan "LULUS" dan "GAGAL" je dalam slip tu. So...its a 50-50 state...right? Hoho..So chill la =)

My result? Alhamdulillah..whats more to expect, it state "L" in the grade list and "LULUS" in the remark list. Which mean, I passed my practical training. phew..regarding the hard time I had on my last day of practical. Erm...lpekn2...

So my next destination?

Dan harap2 la dapat tawaran degree ni..since result untuk degree xkua lagi. Hoping and praying is the only thing that I can do...
Dan kepada sume rakan2ku yang da tengok result tu, bsyukur la dgn ape yg korg dpt. Lulus atau gagal, sume tu ujian dariNya..redha dan hadapinya dengan lebih bersedia dan bersungguh-sungguh pada masa akan datang.