Current Status:

1. FYP oh FYP~

Monday, November 29, 2010


Its 29.11.10
it's been 5 years since then
and 2 and a half years since we get over it

who knew
while I'm still having my interest in you
you were actually looking forward into another guy
maybe it's my fault for not treating you well
or I'm not good enough for you.

And for the 3rd times
(since I've slip it out from my mouth twice)
since the day I promised you not to tell anyone
(and I didn't remember you do the same thing)
I'm going to make it clear to all of my frens.

I've been single for the past 2 & half years.

So much things to make it clear.
But I think it's worthless now.
Goodbye, heart.

Syauqi: Karma. Setiap orang akan merasanya.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

DONE! My To Do List.

Yeah! After some hours of thinking.
I decided this is what I'm gonna do this semester break.

1. Cutting.

No, I'm not gonna bulking, since my body fat percentage has greatly increased. (I'm still gonna blame my practical training for that!) Instead I'm gonna do cutting! What's that? So, bulking is all about you getting bulky, taking good amount of fat in food. Good one I'm saying. With the controlled frequently meal consuming. While cutting means, you stop taking all that 'good amount of fat' in food. Low fat food, on diet....what else? Some good cardio.

2. Brush up my ENGLISH!

Yes, this is very important, as for my next sem, there will be a subject called Presentation Skill (if I'm not mistaken). From what my friends said, there will be a LOT of speaking in front of the class. Damn I'm nervous. Sometimes my English speaking tempo is high enough to make me use only half of the given time (based on my experience) which is not good. Imagine when you were given 10minutes to speak, and according to your outline, with all the points and conclusion, it is enough for 10minutes, but not for the speaking. sigh

3. catch my fitness back.

It's been a long time since I stop doing high intense training, like training in Taekwondo class, and my fitness level has greatly decreased. Just 4 round of jog at the park at the back of my house, and I already 'pancit'. It's kinda embarrased me. Hoho..but thanks to my NEW SHOE, jogging everyday is achievable. =)

4. Take care of AQIL when no ones at home.

Usually, my mak will be the nanny. But she cant be the nanny all the time. She still got some things to do. She sell 'telekung', hand made. Taking care of a 2+ years baby while sewing, greatly increase the time taken to finish the order. Also, sometimes my mak will go to the mosque, 'mengaji' class. When Aqil's father is not home, I'm gonna take over then.

So, whats not on the list? Things that every students do while semester break. Work, that is. That can be replaced by number 4. =|
(disamping meningkatkan amal ibadah bagi menyiapkan diri untuk bertemu denganNya)

Oki: Hohoi...musim merayau da tibe~

Monday, November 15, 2010

End Of Semester: The Outro

As some of you may have known,
kini berakhirlah peperiksaan akhir semester ku.
nope...xberapa gembira sangat.
sebab da sambut awal2 da kegembiraan tuh.

Ok, so tentang sepanjang semester pertama Degree ku.

Dulu mase aku nak masuk degree, ramai orang cakap "degree susah weh" , "degree xsame macam diploma tau". Of cos la xsame,sebab tu name die degree, bukan diploma -_-"
and seriously, from my view of point, sebenarnya degree tu TAK SUSAH. Tapi yang membuatkannya SUSAH sebab wujudnya sikap "Procrastinate" dalam darah. Huhu.
(atau menangguh kerja)

Ni betul punya...xtipu tau. Antara buktinye, mase group aku baru nak stat buat projek untuk software engineering, ade group dari kelas lain da nak siap da pun. And while reaching 50% of my project, that group had already finished their software. Damn nice...lepas tu mula la hujung2 banyak masalah, last2 aku kene buat balik software tuh. Sangat penat.

So far, my 1st sem here was good. The lecturers......no comment.
This is what can I say from my 1st sem experience:

NEVER Procrastinate

Untuk final pulak, well...sem ni 1st time kot aku buat past year paper untuk sume subjek...dan dalam kuantiti yang banyak. Wau! (clap2) kalu xlulus jugak aku xtau la nak cakap ape..

Abih exam, maknenya da stat cuti. So I need to make my To-Do List for this holiday.
Emm.....let's see..........
(sketch sketch)


Oki: Da nak konvo da....

Friday, November 12, 2010

Berukkah? Broga Hill la...

Sedang didalam musim peperiksaan
ade seorang makhluk yang xsedar diri
masih ade lagi satu final paper untuk ditempuh
pergi mendaki Broga Hill
Maka berangkat la beliau pada pagi 11/11/2010
jam 0600

Hutan yang perlu dirempuh dulu

Those yang pergi.
(from left: Capiqa,Bella,Atiqa,Sapik)

View from below

View from the 1st(or half?) checkpoint


Keseorangan...xseperti Dr.Syeikh Muszaphar & isterinya.

With my bestie~ Syafiq J

Great experience for me.
Since this is my 1st time hiking(kre hiking ke nih?) secara layan diri.
But quite dissappointed sebab xdapat reach the top.
I'll definitely going back there to reach the top.

To Afif:
Aku ase ko patut bersyukur sebab xdapat ikut. Tengok baju aku bpeluh macam mane. haha..ade iras2 naik tangga batu cave fakulti kite gak la...

and lastly, thx sebab ajak aku~

Oki: Ok...back to the study desk....

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Exam ended. Unofficially.

As you have known, only 1 final exam paper left for me.
I don't know.
Maybe because the final exam only give 30% to the marks.
70% for Tests and project?
That was lot!

And roughly calculate,
I got 50% for Test 1,
50% for Test 2,
and assuming 70% from project,
total I would get......
(I forgot the assignment....)
not including final exam paper
and THAT was a mark for LULUS the subject!
haha...damn right!
I may just step into the exam hall/room,
sign the attendance,
wait for 30min (since no student allowed to leave the room within 30min),
step out of the hall/room.


But I'm not gonna do that.
I'm not the kind of having the thought of "Lulus je.."
If possible, do it all your best.
Flood the paper with all your knowledge.
and InsyaAllah,
we can PASS the subject with FLYING COLOR!
(as they always said)

since this is the subject of full-of-theory,
damn...I NEED to study after all..

Oki: So....study?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Special post for a special fren

Hanya ingin mengucapkan,
Selamat hari jadi yang ke-xx
kepada Afif Azfar Bin Rashid!

Semoga dimurahkan rezeki
dipanjangkan umur dalam iman
dan dpermudahkan segala urusan
didunia dan diakhirat

Semakin bertambah umur,
semakin menghampiri kematian
banyak2kn la amal ibadat ye..

Ha ko xkan jumpe aku wish ko kat tempat laen
kat laman sosial ke
henset ko ker
emel ko ker
kad raya ker
saje nak wish ko kat cni

So sebagai Jackpot sebab ko bace ni,
kalu ko jumpe aku ko cakap
"hai syauqi yang kacak lagi bergaya"
itu kata rahsia kalu ko nak hadiah dari aku
insyaAllah ade...
(tertakluk kepada Afif je. Org laen xdkira)
(tertakluk pada tarikh 8/11/2010 jer, sebelum jam 2359)

Oki: Sebagai permulaan, aku hadiahkan ko, final exam CSC510!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Si montel

Tengah2 seorang anak duduk sarapan pagi dekat dapur
berlaku satu perbicaraan tak rasmi antara beliau dan maknya

Mak: nanti da habis exam nak buat ape?
Beliau: nak tambah berat badan
Mak: ape? tak dengar la..
Beliau: nak tambah berat badan..
Mak: oooo...ha yela muka pun da MONTEL da tu..
Beliau: . . . . . .

yeah...damn right. wakakakaka~
tapi tambah berat badan dengan cara yang sihat ye

(^_^) y peace~~

Oki: Montel sangat ke aku nih??

Perbicaraan tambahan:
Mak: U** jaga Aqil la kat umah ek? Kalu mak nak pegi mengaji nanti u** tolong tengok2kan Aqil kat umah.