Current Status:

1. FYP oh FYP~

Monday, August 31, 2009

Ramadan Eid Mubarak: Bila Puasa Bercampur Sakit..

Seminggu telah berlalu, terasa bagai baru beberapa hari berpuasa..Itulah perasaan yang dirasai orang2 yang beriman yang merasai nikmat berpuasa. Tapi ade gk yang tak beriman tp rse mcm bru smlm puase;orang yg xpose la. Haha..

Berita mengenai virus H1N1 yang dah suam2 kuku da beritanya, masih belum reda. Apatah lagi kalau terkena dibulan puasa ni..kn??
Ini lah yang dinamakan ujian dariNya..dan janganlah korang nak berlagak kononnya korang xakan terkena virus tu. Walaupun xkn kne H1N1, tp demam still leh kene kn kn kn ???

Dan skarang ni aku lak kne selseme dan batuk2...adeh..kalu sape2 yang pernah call aku mse tgh2 sakit ni bleh la korang dgr suare macho aku. Haha.
Bayangkanlah betapa peritnye berpuasa mse tgh sakit nih. start dari pukul 12tghari da trase lapar(sahur xlalu nk mkn), kepala pening berdenyut2(boleh rase dah urat2 tkeluar kt kpale nih), idung yg tersumbat(silap besar la kalau nk korek kn), n batuk2 serta sakit tekak yang memerlukan air(skali lagi,silap besar la kalu nk minum kn...)
Tapi apa bleh buat. Ni lah ujian namenye..Kte knelah terima dgn hati yang tabah. lgpn sakit itu juga bleh menghilangkn dosa2 kecil..xgtu?

Harini aku bakal pulang ke Jengka dgn bas. Ermmm..need mask? No need. Aku nk biarkan sume org dlm bas tu kne virus aku. Hahaha..Abeh r ko sapik.

Tu je la kot..Kepada yang berpuasa, pose elok2, jgn pose yang yok taw..Kalu xpuase,jgn berbuka dgn org yg pose,kelak puase gantinya tidak diterima olehNya...wallahu'alam.

Oki:......*srot srot*...

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Hoho...Syaaban telah pergi, kini Ramadhan kembali lagi.
Seperti yang kita tahu, pada bulan Ramadhan, seluruh umat Islam diseluruh dunia akan berpuasa. Maka disini, ingin saya mengambil peluang ini untuk mengucapkan,


Huhu...Jangan ponteng-ponteng yar..

[Updating at Computer Lab 8, UiTM Jengka]

Friday, August 7, 2009

Saya masih memboikot!!

Pergh...sedap sungguh makan Pizza Hut tadi...
Aku masih memboikot ye...aargh..
(Aku xkn lupakan kekejaman Israel...)

Oki: btol ke KFC kt m'sia xde kne mngena ngn Israel??

Monday, August 3, 2009

Stupid GMI!

Yes..the title shows it all..

Even though I may not able to know more 'bout the ISA or whatever, but still, their action are just too stupid. Why bothering doing some demonstration while it can never change anything?? Anyway, it is not what kept me so frustrated. It is, because of it, I was unable to went to the PC Fair at KL..!!! I was bored to death at home, and finally able to get out, but....Once again, curse you all, democratic idiot! Argh.....

Well..if you want to know more about this 'organisation', see HERE.

And because of that, it force me to get my 'revenge' today...That I decided to go out to Sunway Pyramid today..Hehe...Alone? Almost..but I hang out with Afif at last.

The plan: Buy the supplement and the long-dream short sleeve sweater.

The What-really-happen: Ok...so we arrive at Sunway and ask ourselves, "Ha skang nk wtper?".

Hoho..so much time to waste rather than just shopping(shopaholic? no..) I finally found the sweater that I want at ROMP, and gonna buy it before we going home. Why not now? Because we 'suddenly' bought the ticket for ICE AGE 3D. Haha. Sape pnyer idea nih!!

3D movie was soooooooooooo cool! Since this is my 1st time watching the 3D movie with 3D glass. Yeah! The trailer of Coraline is on play and tested the glass; Dammit! It's so real! You can see some of the objects are crashing out of the screen..! Haha.

And about the movie ICE AGE 3: Dawn Of The Dinosaur, as expected like the previous one, it is so hilarious, funny, and everything synonym to "fun". And this time the mammoth got a new baby..! Soo cute....(bising je afif) haha.

So for those who never had a chance to watch 3D movie, try it. You will amazed...Huhu..

Tomorrow I'm gonna head back to Jengka, with assignment waiting for me, lecturer's cursing student with the project, and of course, the team member who are not gonna move if I'm not giving the command(sigh). 'Till then. Have a nice day!

Haha..Me wearing the 3D glass
(thx afif for the pic)

Oh yes, because of the promoter at the GNC Store provoke me to get the membership card(and...I cant stand the cashier provoking and get the membership card..cis) for Rm30, I lost my budget to bought the sweater. *Sigh*

Oki: Kpd Mar:Oti canai ko laen kali aku blanje ek..jgn isaw...keh3..

Saturday, August 1, 2009

What can "bore" do..(Part 2)

  • Adobe Photoshop CS4
  • Still Bitmap
  • Creativity
  • Some time to waste
And that can create this:

Ini Afif

Ini Sapik

Ini Saya

Oki: Haha..saya sangat bosan....