It's been a while since I've updated my blog.
Despiting that I have to recover back my password
since Its been a long time since I've been sign in my blog account that I forget my password
So as the end of the semester reach(and passed)
we(practical student) will end our practical training
Since ending the practical training isn't a big deal.
But the REPORT and PRESENTATION indeed that are the BIG matter
On 12th of May 2010,
we had our presentation at UiTM Shah Alam.
Yeah..2 week before I still remember saying
"Ala lambat lagi, relax la dulu"
and feel like I just said that word a day before when I woke up on 10th of May
Still in procrastinating mode!
But somehow, I manage to finish all the 56 pages of report
2 days before the presentation..and finished the presentation slide show night before the presentation.
Nice one!
We were all frighten at first
Why not!
It is a final presentation for the last semester for the last time in diploma
and all of the fear, none of it is worth it
I was the 1st person to present my presentation
and luckily, it was a small ordinary lecture room
and I was asked
"Ok takpe, skip je sume. Kami nak tgk projek awk je"
What the hall!
I was happy and frustrated in the same time
Happy to avoid the bomb
and frustrated since I have to sleep late at night
only just to show 8 page out of my 50 page slide show?
we all manage to do our presentation smoothly
and we miss all the time we had together in Jengka
(since lot of my Jengka's friend present at UiTM Shah Alam. hoho~)
and right after I hended over my final report
I can feel that all of my burden
all this time
all this while
were vanish
Thanks God
We have reach the end of the last semester
Oki: Or should I say, "The end of the beginning" ??