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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Rubik Cube's Obsession

Rubik's Cube-"A mechanical puzzles invented by Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture Erno Rubik". It comes in various size;2x2, 3x3, 4x4, and so on....

Yes, many had already know 'bout this lil' cube. But have you ever solve it? Even once 4 your life time? Didnt mean to boast but...I've solve the cube! Haha...........(you'll know my feeling if you ought to solve it 4 ur 1st time).

Ok, so i'm back from Jengka yesteday(its 0057 hour already) and suddenly snap my eyes to the 3x3 rubik cube that was on the table. You may feel like scramble it and left it alone. Then after a few hour, noticing that the cube was solved..by sum1. And it was my lil' bro. duh..Thats enthusiasm me do it myself.

I can do it!!

And so..it wasnt hard at all. there's 2 types of solve it:Memorising or using cubic theory. As for beginner, memorising is he best solution. U juz need to memorise the step to solve it from bottom, till the top. You wont know it 'till u try it. Bcoz i've tried it! and without realizing it, i've solve the puzzle for the ninth time in less than 6 hours. Great!

If u got some times, and maybe got some pressure from ur studies, u can try to solve this lil cube urself. juz dont get stuck obsessed to it.(yeah..and u'll regret it)

I'm gonna face my final exam soon. Wish me luck!


Adlyn Farouk said...

cis, setakat yg 3x3...cuba yg 4x4...

Choki a.k.a oki! said...

at least aku bjaya..ko pnah ke bwt smpai abeh?? hehe