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1. FYP oh FYP~

Friday, December 12, 2008


Some scratch to waste some time =)

Fakta: Most of the shopping mall majority consist of women's shop.(eg:shoes,shirts,perfume)
Auta: Women shopping more than guys =)
Mengapa lelaki berkahwin tiga??
Kerana kalau berkahwin satu, namanya isONE
Kalau berkahwin dua, namanya isTWO
Kalau berkahwin tiga, barulah isTHREE namanya.
Boys: Look up there. its the full moon, its shining and beautifull..just like your face
Girl: Dont you ever dare to compare its surface with mine!
Wife: Honey, thanks for sending me the flowers. I really loves it!
Husband: Did I??
Son: Mom! I'm hungry..
Mom: So?
Worker:Excuse me sir, no free reading.
Boss: Sorry?
Black guy 1: Yo! What's up!
Black guy 2: Cloud


Anonymous said...

hah is-three tu yg plng xleh ttrima..
kalo sume laki cmni kte rela x kawin dr dimadukan..

Choki a.k.a oki! said...

Kalu sume?
tp kalu bkn sume msti bleh kn?? hehe