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Monday, August 3, 2009

Stupid GMI!

Yes..the title shows it all..

Even though I may not able to know more 'bout the ISA or whatever, but still, their action are just too stupid. Why bothering doing some demonstration while it can never change anything?? Anyway, it is not what kept me so frustrated. It is, because of it, I was unable to went to the PC Fair at KL..!!! I was bored to death at home, and finally able to get out, but....Once again, curse you all, democratic idiot! Argh.....

Well..if you want to know more about this 'organisation', see HERE.

And because of that, it force me to get my 'revenge' today...That I decided to go out to Sunway Pyramid today..Hehe...Alone? Almost..but I hang out with Afif at last.

The plan: Buy the supplement and the long-dream short sleeve sweater.

The What-really-happen: Ok...so we arrive at Sunway and ask ourselves, "Ha skang nk wtper?".

Hoho..so much time to waste rather than just shopping(shopaholic? no..) I finally found the sweater that I want at ROMP, and gonna buy it before we going home. Why not now? Because we 'suddenly' bought the ticket for ICE AGE 3D. Haha. Sape pnyer idea nih!!

3D movie was soooooooooooo cool! Since this is my 1st time watching the 3D movie with 3D glass. Yeah! The trailer of Coraline is on play and tested the glass; Dammit! It's so real! You can see some of the objects are crashing out of the screen..! Haha.

And about the movie ICE AGE 3: Dawn Of The Dinosaur, as expected like the previous one, it is so hilarious, funny, and everything synonym to "fun". And this time the mammoth got a new baby..! Soo cute....(bising je afif) haha.

So for those who never had a chance to watch 3D movie, try it. You will amazed...Huhu..

Tomorrow I'm gonna head back to Jengka, with assignment waiting for me, lecturer's cursing student with the project, and of course, the team member who are not gonna move if I'm not giving the command(sigh). 'Till then. Have a nice day!

Haha..Me wearing the 3D glass
(thx afif for the pic)

Oh yes, because of the promoter at the GNC Store provoke me to get the membership card(and...I cant stand the cashier provoking and get the membership card..cis) for Rm30, I lost my budget to bought the sweater. *Sigh*

Oki: Kpd Mar:Oti canai ko laen kali aku blanje ek..jgn isaw...keh3..


jijajija said...

bejalan sakan awak kn! bukan nak tolong kite berkerja!

Adlyn Farouk said...

bengong, bli la sweater, ni g buat membership.

cekedikman said...

hahahah... jiejah jelous syauqi dating ngan aku.... Hwa3...

To adlyn aku xmampu gak... Promoter die menggoda.. Syauqi cair dibuat nya... Tmsuk la aku.. Hwa3...

jijajija said...

ntah! asyik2 kau je leh dating ngan syauqi! shuh2! g men jejauh la afif! haha!

ee jgn r tgk promoter tu len kali!

cekedikman said...

Hahaha... Die lg syg aku kot... Hahahah... Die ajak je.. Ko bz.. Ajak je.. Ade hal lain... Kire baik la xkluar ngan pompuan lain.. N kire baik aku tengok2 kan syauqi tu.. Hehe..

Cun gak promoter tu.. Syauqi lain kali jom... Aku nak bli supplement gak la..

Anonymous said...

haha. aku cam still tgu kot oti canai.
ko ni pon len kali ajak lah aku awal sket. cehh :)
aku cam sangt bangga kwn aku jmpe romp. at last!
sory xdpt follow g sunway.
btw. len kali jom la g mkn. aku blanje. :D

Choki a.k.a oki! said...

Ooo..ni keje korg ye. ngumpat aku. ish3...
Bkn pe...xthn tgk promoter tu..byk sgt ckp. aku bedal jela membership tu. afif yg smgt sgt. aish...
aku syg duit ko je afif. huahua.

cmne nk tlg keje,tmpt tu xtau la...hehe..