Current Status:

1. FYP oh FYP~

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Another Month To go

It's been almost 3 month since I start my practical training,
and another month to finish it.
Should I be happy? Or should I not?
I SHOULD be happy
because all this live-less thingy will end
and continue with my healthy life
but I SHOULD NOT be happy
because I still have a report or documentation to do
and not even a word have I done.


but I also will not be happy
because there will be no more my own money
in the place of my own hard work thingy
and not my parents money.

But we can't stop the time do we?
Even a second,
or even a millisecond,
time will always moving.

This weekend (03 April '10) there will be my company family day
in the same time, there will be a family day in UiTM Jengka for my faculty(CS110)
but sometimes, we can't choose two things in the same time.
Like it or not, we must let a thing go for another thing.
That's mean, I have to forget 'bout my faculty family day,
and go for my company family day instead.
(As it's compulsory to all employee)

Well, if I got some times for blog-writing, why not report-writing?
It's human habit my friends, we do things we like, but not the opposite.

Until then

Oki: Tiba2 terase lbih baek mase bjalan dgn lambat....


iN said...

cm ne percutian??ade best ke???
kekadang mmg la rase keje tuh besh..suasana besh...tp percayalah..bile dh ade dlm situasi dialam pekerjaan...sgt la tertekan...
bile pikir2 balek..rase nk ulang je zaman2 masa study dulu...T_T
nway...make sure bt yg terbaek utk li repot tuh ^_^

Choki a.k.a oki! said...

haha bes bcuti k.iN..meh la dtg umah tgk TV LCD monitor 32". dpt mse g cherating tu. ehe..

iN said...

bleh ke dtg umah???
dh lupe jalan la oki.
oki amek la ye :P