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Friday, March 5, 2010

Life: As a Programmer (2)

"When you are involving in IT, you, your family, your husband/wife, should have known, that most of the time you have to stay at the office, sacrifice your time, and even your family. This is IT. IT is a culprit"
-Mr. Y

Just before, at 7 p.m today, we just had a meeting..or some say, "Brainwash" ! Yes. Basically this meeting were just another arrangement from one of our CTO (didnt know what it mean. Similar to CEO??) which had the top #3 most feared person.

The meeting was all about the delayed work, and the habit of getting home late, and early. Of course, the main reason of the meeting was to update our status of work. And it was 4 month delayed work. Greeeaaat...

The top issue in the meeting was, who was the person the person that 90% of the time went back home after 7 p.m? and of course ALL of the programmer raise up the hand. But not the System Analyst. And the quote at the beginning, that was said by that top #3 fearsome CTO. How can the programmer went back late, but not the system analyst who fully responsible for the system? That's the issue.

As far as I've worked here, it is true after all, like I've mention it in my post before. Since there are only 5 system analyst which all of them are womens, and married, while 11 others are programmer which 9 of them are boys, single, of course there will be imbalance of people who can stayback at the office.

So to those whose his/her lovers was a programmer, if you really want a happy, normal and harmony family, think again whether you can accept him/her or not. If you cannot think it now, maybe you can think it after you had married..AFTER you had a fight with him/her. Ehe.

Last but not least,
Stay away from the programmer!

Oki: People have their own choice. Choose yours carefully.


iN said...

thats y la ur blog always bersawang :P
keje2 pun mesti jaga kesihatan ^_^

Choki a.k.a oki! said...

huhu...yup2. xde mse nk update.
thx k.iN..kesehatan tu mmg sntiasa kne jg

rosa said...

bese laa 2...da pk msak2 da nk accept x..=p