Current Status:

1. FYP oh FYP~

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Pagi ni aku pergi buat medical checkup. Disebabkan nak masuk degree, sebagai pelajar baru (ye...baru) kene la buat medical checkup..wajib tuh.

Macam yang kita tau, stiap kali medical checkup mesti akan ade urine test. So sebagai persediaan, dari umah lagi aku da tahan selama sejam dari pegi tandas untuk memastikan ade 'hasilnya' nanti. Haha...

Lepas je kluakan duit dari bank Islam, maka berkatalah saudara Syafiq Jasmin,
"Nak buat dekat mane?"
"La, dekat DEMC la...kt sek9 tuh"
"Cube tengok tu" (sambil menunjukkan bangunan baru DEMC)

Ya..mungkin ramai yang da tahu, dan mungkin ada yang tidak. Tapi aku nak bgtau jugak.
DEMC da berpindah di belakang Bank Islam yang dekat Blue Wave tu ye. Seksyen 14. Huhu..bestnye dapat rase hospital baru. And since it's still new, some of the service are still down..or should I say, not available yet. Salah satunye parking berbayar. Stakat ni FOC lagi yeh~ suke2..oh dan kalu korang gelak sebab ade kereta macam ketera safari dekat situ, janganlah gelak kuat2/lama2 sangat. Sebab tu sebenanye kereta yang digunakan untuk bawak patient dari tempat parking ke pintu utama hospital tu.

So kat kaunter tu nanti, first thing yang akan disuruh oleh nurse cantik tu ialah "Sila isikan urine setengah botol ya". Haha..I've well prepared for it =p
Seterusnya, nurse cantik tu tadi akan bagi bil untuk dibayar. Ye, bayar dulu baru buat pemeriksaan ye. I took the student package, which cost Rm63.50 total. Yeah..with a bottle of urine on my hand, berjalan2 bersama. Haha...

Selepas itu, urine tu kena bawak pergi dekat Diagnostic Lab. Tau2 la dorg nak buat pe dengan air seni aku tuh. And the next part is the best..almost best.

After that, Imaging Diagnostic (or X-ray lab) will be the last station. and this is where the best part start. Sementara menunggu giliran aku masuk bilik x-ray, doktor panggil sorang girl ni dlu. Lama lepas tu doktor tu panggil aku plak. Dengan gagah aku pun masuk la bilik x-ray tu. Nurse cantik tu pun memberi arahan;

"Adik masuk bilik persalinan ni, pastu buka baju..nanti kitorang nak xray"

dan sejurus selepas doktor cantik tu abeh cakap je tiba2 kedengaran suara pompuan;

"Eh belum2! Saya tengah tuka baju lagi nih!"

dan suara tu datang dari bilik persalinan tu tadi. Haha...nasib baek la girl tu cepat bertindak. Kang xpasal2 rezeki aku masuk bilik tu tadi..Hehe~

Doktor cantik tadi tu pun suruh aku kua balik. huhu

Lepas abis x-ray tu, kne tunggu untuk cek tinggi, berat, mata, etc. Dan keseluruhan proses medical checkup ni mengambil masa selama 2 jam (tidak termasuk menunggu doktor gi lunch. grrr....) dan alhamdulillah segalanya berjalan dengan lancar....kecuali....



Oki: Atas permintaan sapik, die suruh tanya;
Kenapa kucing suka makan ikan, tapi kucing xpandai berenang??
ha...jawab2! huhu...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Adjactive:Diploma. Comparative: Degree!

"Big - Bigger - Biggest
Small - Smaller - Smallest
Smart - Smarter - Smartest
Diploma - Degree - Master!"

Haha...I can still remember that story while in my BEL (English) class, where we discussed about comparative and superlative. Such a creative way of thinking la..not mentioning another student create another superlative which start with word transform; Transform, transformer, transformers! Haha..actually this was a story she (the lecturer) told us from the class she taught in previous class.

So after diploma, here comes another challenge: Degree. I still remember on the day back, where I were thinking, "Wah diploma..cant wait to face it.." and feel proud of it with the thought of "I'm a big guy now!" haha. After a few moments, while still studying , it start to change to, "sigh..it's just a diploma..there's more to face to be proud of it" with the thought of, we are still a kid.

But here now, after finish my diploma, comes another challenge; Degree! Yeah!

So the result for the degree intake had been released last 2 week. I don't know, maybe b'coz some said that if you are from UiTM and applied for UiTM for degree, the chances to further the study is 100%, and that worry me not. However, there are still some of my friends that didn't manage to further their study...and that make me worry. But Alhamdullillah, I got the chances to further my study in UiTM.

There's still a week to prepare my checklist for the registration. Medical checkup? hurm..is it necessary? Last time when I register for my diploma, no one insist to see it..and all the new student carried that big envelope of x-ray all over the hall...dah macam ape tah. haha.

So all the best!!

UiTM Shah Alam
Here I come!
(macam la xpenah masuk. haha)

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Randomness #01

Well..since I'm kinda bored in the moment, posting some random thing(s) wont hurt right~

1. If vegetarian eats vegetables, what does humanitarian eats?

2. Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie!

3. You cant touch your ear with your elbow.

4. You wont know that you were snoring. Because you are asleep!

5. It is useless to have expensive phone but with no phone credit. *sigh

6. It only cost 10 Cent to buy a glass of 'Air Sirap' when I was in standard 1.

7. The word "Studying" only applicable on the exam period since that is the only time where the student is dying (Student + dying = Studying)

8. Major of the shop in the shopping mall are women's item shop.

9. When a girl wearing man apparel, it seems ok. But not vice versa.

10. I hate to admit it, but, many of you try to touch your ear with your elbow after #3. You are not? Good!

Have a nice day!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Bila aku bukak je emel tiba2 ade emel dari UiTM menyatakan 'UiTM EXAMINATION RESULT FOR SEMESTER 20102'. Aha..so UiTM did make some enhancement on their services..while other college/University had already did this services long before. huhu..and maybe, they should send this emel on the day they announced the result..well a day late will not hurt. But almost a week delay? Well...keep it up, all I can say.

So keputusan peperiksaan (atau praktikal..hehe) telah diumumkan 10hb Jun lepas. As usual, every UiTM'ers will be in cursing, swearing, hating (or whatever they called it) mode! Haha..this is due to the inefficiency of UiTM system server..well that's what they, the students called. But to the people who had deal and knew about the server thing, its not a big deal. Words like "Upgrade la server tu!" or anything like this..its just shows that you are a short-wit person. Its not like the cost entirely similar to buying a single laptop. *sigh*

Jadi seperti biasa, aku pun ade kebiasaannye. Tidak, aku tidak seperti mereka. Sedang mereka mencarut2 dan berusaha check result, aku akan keluar bergembira. Haha...gembira la sangat. Ni da kali ke-3 rasenye..lbih2 lagi sem ni cume ade kputusan "LULUS" dan "GAGAL" je dalam slip tu. So...its a 50-50 state...right? Hoho..So chill la =)

My result? Alhamdulillah..whats more to expect, it state "L" in the grade list and "LULUS" in the remark list. Which mean, I passed my practical training. phew..regarding the hard time I had on my last day of practical. Erm...lpekn2...

So my next destination?

Dan harap2 la dapat tawaran degree ni..since result untuk degree xkua lagi. Hoping and praying is the only thing that I can do...
Dan kepada sume rakan2ku yang da tengok result tu, bsyukur la dgn ape yg korg dpt. Lulus atau gagal, sume tu ujian dariNya..redha dan hadapinya dengan lebih bersedia dan bersungguh-sungguh pada masa akan datang.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Have a Nice Trip!

It's a school holiday now, and everyone will be in holiday mode.
Even for the parents even though they are not in school anymore.
But too bad, there are no more pupils in my family.
Since the last 'Pupil' have changes to a 'Student' recently =p
But the spirit of the holiday can still be seen..
So for those who are going for holidays,
Happy Holidays!

Last but not least,
Have a Nice Trip To Beijing, My Beloved Parents

Oki: Tidak..saya tidak dengki tau...huhu

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

And finally I...

"From the edge of his words, and the sight of his masked eyes, I can see through his heart that actually he was begging me, hoping that I would continue...."
-I whispered within myself

31st of May-adalah hari terakhir aku berada di MMCSB (ofis aku). Minggu sebelum tu dorang sume da kutip2 duit da, nak buat jamuan sket untuk pemergian aku. Same macam trainee praktikal yang lepas, ade makan2 jugak. Tapi cara diorang pergi baik la sikit.

Me? Aku? Saya? Well...it's not going smoothly as what I've expected. Pagi 31 Mei tu dorang da start buat jamuan da. Aku ingatkan petang, sebab mase tu dorang buat petang. The most uncomfortable thing that change my mood that morning was, the boss was there! Argh..of course he will be around since it's in the morning, unlike the other day in the afternoon.

10 seconds of my opening speech went well...10 SECONDS!! and then that hard-headed-egoist person cut in my line. Asking so many question..and I was wondering is it a question or is it not a question, for me to answer it.

But of all the things that he said, I can see it clearly that actually he wants me to stay and work with them. But the way he present it? No, I can't forget and accept what he said. In the front of all the staff, along with all of the CEO, CTO and COO, he's trying to make it like it is my fault. Of what?? I dunno..He's try to labeling that I am not grateful of been giving a chance to work there again..in the way of trying to humiliating me in front of all the staff there. But in his eyes, I can see that he's begging like a dog, trying to get a bone of the best. Pathetic.

Sepanjang hari tu aku didalam dilema, samada nak teruskan ke tidak. And of course la aku tak nak sebab kalu aku nak takde la aku berenti. Huhu. That night, one of the COO(still not sure of his pos. haha) Ask me to go to his room. Well, it's a last meet after all. And he's telling the truth of what happen:
"Sebenarnya boss memang nak ko teruskan keje kat sini. Mase dalam STORM Meeting(meeting sume COO/CTO/CEO) kitorang ada cakap, that u are the good resources for the company. Keje sume bagus. tak macam budak2 praktikal sebelum nih. Tu yang mase ko cakap taknak sambung tu die macam..tersentak sikit la. At least u should say la, yang ko nak fikirkan dulu ke, bincang2 dulu."

And I was...shock? No..I've already knew it in the start. Tapi nak buat macam mana..banyak benda nak kene setel. 31hb tu jugak adik aku masuk kolej da. Which mean, mak aku officially sorang2 kat umah jaga cucu die sorang. Kalau die nak keluar, sape pula nak jaga si Aqil tu kan..dan macam2 lagi la.

Dan sekarang, secara rasminya aku seorang penganggur. Pada masa yang sama ingin menurunkan berat badan(cis..skang aku da fed up da peha aku da besar gle da nih) haha. so, until then...

Oki: zaman skang ssh nk dpt kje. Ape yg aku bwt skang nih sbnanye stu kerugian.