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1. FYP oh FYP~

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Bila aku bukak je emel tiba2 ade emel dari UiTM menyatakan 'UiTM EXAMINATION RESULT FOR SEMESTER 20102'. Aha..so UiTM did make some enhancement on their services..while other college/University had already did this services long before. huhu..and maybe, they should send this emel on the day they announced the result..well a day late will not hurt. But almost a week delay? Well...keep it up, all I can say.

So keputusan peperiksaan (atau praktikal..hehe) telah diumumkan 10hb Jun lepas. As usual, every UiTM'ers will be in cursing, swearing, hating (or whatever they called it) mode! Haha..this is due to the inefficiency of UiTM system server..well that's what they, the students called. But to the people who had deal and knew about the server thing, its not a big deal. Words like "Upgrade la server tu!" or anything like this..its just shows that you are a short-wit person. Its not like the cost entirely similar to buying a single laptop. *sigh*

Jadi seperti biasa, aku pun ade kebiasaannye. Tidak, aku tidak seperti mereka. Sedang mereka mencarut2 dan berusaha check result, aku akan keluar bergembira. Haha...gembira la sangat. Ni da kali ke-3 rasenye..lbih2 lagi sem ni cume ade kputusan "LULUS" dan "GAGAL" je dalam slip tu. So...its a 50-50 state...right? Hoho..So chill la =)

My result? Alhamdulillah..whats more to expect, it state "L" in the grade list and "LULUS" in the remark list. Which mean, I passed my practical training. phew..regarding the hard time I had on my last day of practical. Erm...lpekn2...

So my next destination?

Dan harap2 la dapat tawaran degree ni..since result untuk degree xkua lagi. Hoping and praying is the only thing that I can do...
Dan kepada sume rakan2ku yang da tengok result tu, bsyukur la dgn ape yg korg dpt. Lulus atau gagal, sume tu ujian dariNya..redha dan hadapinya dengan lebih bersedia dan bersungguh-sungguh pada masa akan datang.


Irah said...

CONGRATS! aku lagi setahun degreeeee. hehehe. okay mcm nak extend sbb takut nak kerja. lol. anyway, congrats!

Choki a.k.a oki! said...

Staun tu...
Aku 2taun lbih lg kot...wlaupn degree pn ntah dpt ke xnih. ekeke..
ngek..ko xnk kje, ko jd r surirumah..

Adlyn Farouk said...

lulus je? :p
anyway, CONGRATS!