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1. FYP oh FYP~

Monday, November 29, 2010


Its 29.11.10
it's been 5 years since then
and 2 and a half years since we get over it

who knew
while I'm still having my interest in you
you were actually looking forward into another guy
maybe it's my fault for not treating you well
or I'm not good enough for you.

And for the 3rd times
(since I've slip it out from my mouth twice)
since the day I promised you not to tell anyone
(and I didn't remember you do the same thing)
I'm going to make it clear to all of my frens.

I've been single for the past 2 & half years.

So much things to make it clear.
But I think it's worthless now.
Goodbye, heart.

Syauqi: Karma. Setiap orang akan merasanya.


SyaFiQa RahiM said...

life goes on mate. it's okay to be single. u have great frens around u :)

and mesti dah ramai nak masuk dalam waiting list ko kikikiki ;P

irah said...

okay bile baca to do list atas baru clear, hand writing dkt bwh serious kene improve and put that on your to do list! haha :P

It took you quite some time to tell that and it's okay dude, you have amazing friends. You've done your best and that's all that matters.

be happy always! :)

adlyn said...

it's okay....sorry u had to suffer these past years...

Choki a.k.a oki! said...

huhu thx ye anda2 sume..korg mmg the great frenz ever~

irah: detailed info was included ye..picture pn bleh bsakn. huhu