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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

~The Light~

~A story Of The Light~
One day, there is a teenager lying on a bed.
That teenager feels very sick.

He hardly can stand up,
neither mood for eat.

What he can do was only calling his mother and asked for help.

Then suddenly while he was moaning in pain,
he saw a light flashing beside his bed,
with a beep sound.

Without delay he checked where the light from,
and found the source of the light,
while the pain slowly gone.

Then the light goes out,
and he can feel the light is going to come and search for him again.

A few minutes later,
he can felt the lights are coming for him,
and nearer..
and nearer...
and nearer....
and the light suddenly stand there in front of him.

Thanks Afif Azfar and Muhammad Syafiq,
for visiting me while I'm sick.
You just cheer me up that day.
You really are my best friends...
No one can beat you.
(The lights come from my handphone~~hehe)

Oki: Culik aku kua weh..aku xtahan dah duk kt umah xwt pape...!!


cekedikman said...

oit da sminggu baru nak post... Anyway, sama2...
Nanti la kite wat culik bsar2an msuk la tv3 ke astro ke... Baru la best...

Choki a.k.a oki! said...

xkn la aku nk post mse aku tgh berguling2 kesakitan kowt....
ha cpt sket. Suh sapik blk cpt sket..

Adlyn Farouk said...


Adlyn Farouk said...

jap, teenager ke???????

Choki a.k.a oki! said...

teenager r...aku bru 19 ye...19! haha...sorry 'old lady'. hehe

Adlyn Farouk said...

cehhh dlm ms 20 hari...org tua dah..kne keje...