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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Migrain or headache?

A couple of days ago, my heads pain..like being punch by somebody; except the pain is permanent. I feels like there's sumthing in my head, yes I can feel it. Tumor? I hope not.

The morning I wake up, I can feel a headache, probably the common headache I usually feel. But things change at night, where I feel sumthing is wrong with my head. That night I took 2 tablet of 500mg paracetamol, and yet didn't effect me. 2hours later I took a tablet of Pontron(is it company name like panadol or medicine name??) and it really does effect me..a lot! where i can finally sleep.

The next day, I can still feel the pain and it goes straight for 7hours, then we decided and went to the clinic. Just what I expect, clinic didn't help at all, and the pain still the same. Around 5.30 p.m finally my wish to go to the hospital was granted. With pain emotion on my face at the receptioninst desk, the doctor came to me and take me with the wheelchair( haha..yeah) and put me on the patient bed.

The doctor take my blood sample and stream in a bottle of water through my vein, and injected me with voltaren at my butt..and my butt to lap feels numb. And now, my butt feels like I've been kicked a couple of times...not mentioning that I can't walk properly after the injection.

After 2 and a half hour in the patient's room, I can feel the slight relief in my head, and major effect when I reach home.

And today, I can feel the change and relief in my head. But the cause of my headache? still in question. The doctor said that there are affection in my blood, not knowing why. Well, that's better than knowing if i could get brain tumor..right? Thank goodness..

Oki:Whenever u r in pain or sick, think of Allah, and insyaAllah, Allah can cure u...


Anonymous said...

Maybe there is something wrong with your liver. Liver failure sometime lead to unclean blood. Anyway, get well soon.

irahmeow said...

woi.get well soon please. i think its sick season bcus im having chicken pox. feel like a kid again. better get proper check wei if it continues!

iN said...

cian dia...abes la plan nk hang out cuti2 nih ye :P

Choki a.k.a oki! said...

anonymous: yeah, checked with doctor n said that it cause by the infection in my blood. How? didn't know.
irah: thx weh..get well soon gk..sombonk ngn aku skang. wek.. xp
k.iN: haha mmg pn..bru igt nk tgk senario da tbatal ='(

jijajija said...

abes skang cmne??
dah ok ke??
ke die akn jd lg???
anyway, jg mkn tu penting tau.
minum bnyk air kosong

Choki a.k.a oki! said...

24hour lpas g spital tu, saket blk. tp xtruk pn. skjp saket, skjp x. cm chipsmore..smpai skang pn. thx

Anonymous said...

cian dye..cian irah jgak..n cian kt ak
sumenye nga saket...huhu

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Unknown said...

usually i just get panadol activFast if my migraine keep coming... and its did well

Adlyn Farouk said...

semua org kt m'sia sakit....:p

Choki a.k.a oki! said...

zul: xde spe nk cian kt ko...keh2

nad: if boleh aku xnk amek panadol or any paracetamol...AT ALL! tp kronik pnye psl aku amek gk xp

lyn: cet..tau la da 'lari' ke uk..huhu