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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

And finally I...

"From the edge of his words, and the sight of his masked eyes, I can see through his heart that actually he was begging me, hoping that I would continue...."
-I whispered within myself

31st of May-adalah hari terakhir aku berada di MMCSB (ofis aku). Minggu sebelum tu dorang sume da kutip2 duit da, nak buat jamuan sket untuk pemergian aku. Same macam trainee praktikal yang lepas, ade makan2 jugak. Tapi cara diorang pergi baik la sikit.

Me? Aku? Saya? Well...it's not going smoothly as what I've expected. Pagi 31 Mei tu dorang da start buat jamuan da. Aku ingatkan petang, sebab mase tu dorang buat petang. The most uncomfortable thing that change my mood that morning was, the boss was there! Argh..of course he will be around since it's in the morning, unlike the other day in the afternoon.

10 seconds of my opening speech went well...10 SECONDS!! and then that hard-headed-egoist person cut in my line. Asking so many question..and I was wondering is it a question or is it not a question, for me to answer it.

But of all the things that he said, I can see it clearly that actually he wants me to stay and work with them. But the way he present it? No, I can't forget and accept what he said. In the front of all the staff, along with all of the CEO, CTO and COO, he's trying to make it like it is my fault. Of what?? I dunno..He's try to labeling that I am not grateful of been giving a chance to work there again..in the way of trying to humiliating me in front of all the staff there. But in his eyes, I can see that he's begging like a dog, trying to get a bone of the best. Pathetic.

Sepanjang hari tu aku didalam dilema, samada nak teruskan ke tidak. And of course la aku tak nak sebab kalu aku nak takde la aku berenti. Huhu. That night, one of the COO(still not sure of his pos. haha) Ask me to go to his room. Well, it's a last meet after all. And he's telling the truth of what happen:
"Sebenarnya boss memang nak ko teruskan keje kat sini. Mase dalam STORM Meeting(meeting sume COO/CTO/CEO) kitorang ada cakap, that u are the good resources for the company. Keje sume bagus. tak macam budak2 praktikal sebelum nih. Tu yang mase ko cakap taknak sambung tu die macam..tersentak sikit la. At least u should say la, yang ko nak fikirkan dulu ke, bincang2 dulu."

And I was...shock? No..I've already knew it in the start. Tapi nak buat macam mana..banyak benda nak kene setel. 31hb tu jugak adik aku masuk kolej da. Which mean, mak aku officially sorang2 kat umah jaga cucu die sorang. Kalau die nak keluar, sape pula nak jaga si Aqil tu kan..dan macam2 lagi la.

Dan sekarang, secara rasminya aku seorang penganggur. Pada masa yang sama ingin menurunkan berat badan(cis..skang aku da fed up da peha aku da besar gle da nih) haha. so, until then...

Oki: zaman skang ssh nk dpt kje. Ape yg aku bwt skang nih sbnanye stu kerugian.


Muhamad Junaidi said...

actually keje ada kt mna2 aje.
cuma nk dengan xnk aje ... congrate cause ko still sambung keje even abis praktikal pon. aku nie, even dorang still panggil tp aku bt don't know jer ...

SyaFiQa RahiM said...

first of all, congratz choki for finishing ur practical! i know u extend it MUCH longer than ur friends. shud b proud of dat.
n u shud b proud dat d company loves u. but u hv d rights 2 choose wat u want :)

and it touched me wen u considered bout aqil & ur mom. it's so comel hehehe.

u know, keje ade kat mane2 je like ur fren said. if u're good & hv self confidence, u can go anywhere u want. just wait 4 d right time je okie?

best of luck. Proud of u! :)

Choki a.k.a oki! said...

jun: kje mmg kt mne2 ade, tp kje tu mmg in specialty kte atau xje..ko sbb ade bnda laen nk bwt, sbb tu xnk smbg.

capiqa: huhu thx capiqa..of coz la kne pk psl my mum n aqil sbb ksian mak aku nk lyn karenah aqil tu. aku yg lyn die aritu pn bleh aku ttdo. wakaka. actually ade lg yg smbg kt company practical dorg, smpi 2 bln. but great income la...($_$) aha

iN said...

meh la k,in tlg jagakan aqil :P..