Current Status:

1. FYP oh FYP~

Thursday, December 25, 2008

The BurfDaY BoY!!

Thx 2 Afif Nasir 4 the cake!
Thx 2 Syafiq Jasmin 4 the ride!
Thx 2 Adlyn Farouk 4 the present!
Thx 2 Zahirah 4 te card!
Thx 2 Aznizah 4 the shirt!!
Thx 2 Afif Azfar 4 treating us the meal!! (U wont believe how much he had spent..!!)
Thx 2 Afif Azfar & Syafiq Jasmin 4 the meaningful present!(dari Abg2 abdul) haha aku simpan baek2 brg tu

Thx 2 everyone 4 the wish! (4 those yg ingat la...)
I dont think that i will ever repay u back 4 what u all hav done..sorry if i couldnt to.. =(

1.Igt snang ke nk potong kek tu!
2.ARGH! Still in progress
3.Next!!!!! (bgaya sket)
4.Afif and Afif. Haha..Both named Afif
5.Soooooo polite =)
6.Which one is taller!!...or which 3? hehe
8.mcm xikhlas jer mke..huhu(c the hands? =))

Thx again!!

Friday, December 12, 2008


Some scratch to waste some time =)

Fakta: Most of the shopping mall majority consist of women's shop.(eg:shoes,shirts,perfume)
Auta: Women shopping more than guys =)
Mengapa lelaki berkahwin tiga??
Kerana kalau berkahwin satu, namanya isONE
Kalau berkahwin dua, namanya isTWO
Kalau berkahwin tiga, barulah isTHREE namanya.
Boys: Look up there. its the full moon, its shining and beautifull..just like your face
Girl: Dont you ever dare to compare its surface with mine!
Wife: Honey, thanks for sending me the flowers. I really loves it!
Husband: Did I??
Son: Mom! I'm hungry..
Mom: So?
Worker:Excuse me sir, no free reading.
Boss: Sorry?
Black guy 1: Yo! What's up!
Black guy 2: Cloud

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Back home:Un-Injured

Post mortem of the KARISMA '08 in Perak:

24th nov(Mon)
Arrive at UiTM perak in the evening
Nothing special

25th nov(Tue)
Morning:Jogging with the team
Night:Training at 2nd floor,ANNEX1

26th nov(Wed)(The day b4 the tournament start)
Morning: Prepare for weighting
Evening: Training in front of library
Night: Meditate(??) Celebrating burfday of our members. Egg and flour throwing. Water too. Damn..it was so fun. Account Faculty(The best 'training' i've felt ever)

27th nov(Thur)
Morning:Taekwondo event start(Fin,Bantam,welter,feather category)
Evening:End of today's event(1 bronze so far)
Night:Training at 2nd floor,ANNEX1..again

28th nov(Fri)
Morning:breakfast with 'bubur segera'. Warm up with yawning2 mood.
Taekwondo event start(Fly,middle,heavy category(1 more 4got))
bout no.3,Fly, in Red,my fight-->Win
bout no.12,Heavy,in blue,sapik's fight-->Lose
bout no.17,Fly,in Red,my fight-->Lose
Evening: 4got
Night:Perasmian KARISMA '08

29th nov(Sat)
Morning:Taekwondo event start(Finalist for all categories)
Total medal:1 Gold,4 Bronze
Afternoon:Out to Ipoh(Searching for KFC)
Evening:Back from Ipoh(Juz get in4mation that there was KFC at Lumut)
Night:Dinner KARISMA '08 at Padang kawad

30th nov(Sun)
Morning:Starting of bored life
Evening:bored life
Night: Mrayau

1st Dec(Mon)
Morning:Went to Lumut
Afternoon:Continue to Teluk Batik
Evening:Back to UiTM
Night: Mrayau

2nd Dec(Tue)(Last day in Perak)
Morning:Starting of bored life
Night: Mrayau. Taking off banner. Brought it home..as souvenir =) Packing

3rd Dec(Wed)
Morning:Check out. Move to the bus.....back HOME!

When i realise, i've wasted so much money there. It's like "Food-Taking" program. I juz cant stop eating! haha..especially their Arab Burger...mmm...nyum2. But the allowance they give cant cover to eat it everyday =(

Now i'm back home..hopefully that my bored life will end. But...in less than 24 hours at home juz give me another bored life..! Aaarghh....kdg2 bosan gk tgk kom ni. Same je...bkk intenet pn...same jer. *sigh*

Thats all i think. *yawn*

One of my fren's dad juz involved in accident and didnt survive. The accident take place in New Zealand where his dad's group had a project there. Also, one of the victim was my brother's fren's brother. Al-Fatihah 4 them...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Out to da BattleField!

Back from Jengka, and going back to Jengka. Gonna win this time!
C ya in Perak!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

~Family Day~

On 19th Oct, our program which is Diploma in Computer Science (4 those yg xtau lg..) held a family day, which was organized by our part. And this sem, we have to do it AGAIN(yes..how hard it is). Compared with previous this sem was better. No rain, great weather, and great games too! Haha..check it out:
Welcome to the event!

Muka2 'bekas-bakal-pemenang'. LOL

Khusyuk dgr briefing

In action!!!

After the game. Win? Lose? U can guess..
The gurlz

All-times-favourite game:Mr Queen n Mrs King!

Actually there's still a lot of games that we had n this is some of it. 7 hours of pushing ur self into the games, really exhausted. And that day didn't end juz like that; we still got the AGM(Annual General Meeting) to handle that night!

Gimme some space...

mayb its gonna be ok if i didn't show up on that night...but...can the master ceremony(MC) be able to sleep in thier room while an event is on....If the answer is no, then i had 2 go. Haha.

Congratz for the winners, n for those who are unlucky, mayb u can try again nex sem(*sigh*)
See ya...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Rubik Cube's Obsession

Rubik's Cube-"A mechanical puzzles invented by Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture Erno Rubik". It comes in various size;2x2, 3x3, 4x4, and so on....

Yes, many had already know 'bout this lil' cube. But have you ever solve it? Even once 4 your life time? Didnt mean to boast but...I've solve the cube! Haha...........(you'll know my feeling if you ought to solve it 4 ur 1st time).

Ok, so i'm back from Jengka yesteday(its 0057 hour already) and suddenly snap my eyes to the 3x3 rubik cube that was on the table. You may feel like scramble it and left it alone. Then after a few hour, noticing that the cube was solved..by sum1. And it was my lil' bro. duh..Thats enthusiasm me do it myself.

I can do it!!

And so..it wasnt hard at all. there's 2 types of solve it:Memorising or using cubic theory. As for beginner, memorising is he best solution. U juz need to memorise the step to solve it from bottom, till the top. You wont know it 'till u try it. Bcoz i've tried it! and without realizing it, i've solve the puzzle for the ninth time in less than 6 hours. Great!

If u got some times, and maybe got some pressure from ur studies, u can try to solve this lil cube urself. juz dont get stuck obsessed to it.(yeah..and u'll regret it)

I'm gonna face my final exam soon. Wish me luck!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Salam Eid Mubarak!

Yes..its raya eve finally...Nothing much to say..Just wanna ask for 4giveness if i've and might(hehe) done wrong for all this moment. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir Dan Batin from me =)
-Mohd Syauqi Salehen


Oh yes. On last 27th oct, my kakak ipar juz gave a birth! Say hello to this newborn baby.

His name is Mohd Akil. Yes, he's a baby boy. cute was it? juz like me...haha

Saturday, August 16, 2008

'School" Holiday!

Holidays mean that u are off from works..or any studies i assume. But not assignment. yes..assignment does NOT include in any holidays. My mid-term break has started and gonna end in remaining 9 days. Including couple of day preparing for my folio, which, I have to find some sources, searching for the material and compiling it in a single scrapbook, while finishing my programming assignment, that only 60% of the lectures been absorbed in class while another 35% datang dari kefahaman sendiri. Remaining 5%?? well..doing some 'art' in the coding i guess. Haha! And we got another work to do, that is Term Paper. Its a thesis-like paper where you have to search the topic and material, then reWrite it back into one essay. Luckily that one is a group work and my fren is te one who doing it. *phew* and b4 this juz finished my summarization in essay and submit it by mail. Yeah..luckily we have E-Mail, or we cant finish our class b4 the summary done.

Maybe i can make it simple by using the formula:

Holidays Left = [(searching+material)*(compiling)]-(programming assignment+Coding)-[(Term-Paper)/Friends]-(summary)

Still..not simple enough.
And the answers..remain unknown. Huhu. Since i dont think that i will able to do all that in one week. Caiyok! Caiyok!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

After a Month

It's...3rd of august..so i made it! I happen to touch my computer after a month! haha..luckily its an early of the month. Right now im in Shah Alam, going back to see my sis. since she's the one yang ajak balik. That's mean, she's gonna treat me to sumthing..! yeah..its early of the month remember..Salary! haha

Nothing much to write. Two days at home felt like 5 hours to me..times moving soooo fast! Heh..p bosan gk duk umah. I prefer to be at College instead. I miss my FRIEND'S COMPUTER!! Haha..I juz cant wait to be back to Jengka.

Hua..mende la aku tulis ni. Tdo rr..Tata..

Friday, July 4, 2008

Last Comfort Sleep~~

The clock shows 1:26 a.m on Friday. This will be the last time i'm touching my computer for this month..and hopefully(and hopefully not) gonna touch again after a month. IF there is mid-term break, then i will definitely touch my computer again..
Well i'm going back to my college called Universiti Teknologi Mara Jengka, Pahang. Yeah, thats what it named n we can called it uitm jengka 4 short. (Gonna miss my computer other than anything else...except a person)

This morning i'm gonna back to Jengka and cant wait to be back. No, not Shah Alam, Jengka! So i've pack everything that i need to bring in 1 night, and hope there's nothing that i've missed(even though it had happen for 2 sem. *sigh*)

Going back to Jengka remind me of the internet connection. damn..it's super-ultimate slows connection that we had experience in our whole life. Rm1 per minutes,using pay-n-use credit method,internet connection that reminds me of 3-4 years ago, except, u hav 2 wait 4 the morning to come n open the internet early in the morning to get the moderate connection. Yeah..its two level ahead of super-ultimate slows connection. Haha..dun care. As long as its not my money. hehe.

Nothing much to write juz to say some few things;
Adlyn, ktorg da abeh cuti da,xyah nk jelez lg dah.
Irah, turn ko lak cuti. Layan la diri sengsorang.
Jiejah, slamat maju jaya kt sane.
Afif, jgn bangga sgt dpt blaja kt uitm Shah Alam. Ko dpt pn sbb mak ko jer.
Sapik, jgn bwt2 lpe nk amek aku pagi nnt...!!
Jun, jmpe ko kt sane!
Me, blaja elok2, jgn maen2 sgt.

And to all of u!
Study hard, get graduated, get work as be successful, when you got your 1st salary, i'll be there by your side. =) Haha

The clock shows 1:46 a.m and i'm out.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Dang dang dang..

Right now, my computer is having some fever..! I mean internet of coz. I dunno since when my com was having this fever. But what i really know is, my internet connection is soo damn s-l-o-w..and i really2 hate it! Juz imagine, u paid 'bout Rm88 (i think) 4 da internet, and u didnt get what u supposed to. Dont you feel like u hav been piss off?? even its not thier fault though..

Neway, i want 2 share my story of being kidnapped..not really actually.
Ok, so last Thursday, my sleep was somewhat get annoyed by some kind of music, at 'bout 9 in the morning. I though it was only a dreaming until i realize my brother waking me up, 40min later, "oki! tepon!" n "6 missed call" appear on my handphone screen! haha..so it did happen. My fren, Afif, called me..using sapik's phone says "oi klua jom! ktorg otw umah ko nih. siap2 nk jalan jauh ni" sumthing like dat la..sounds fishy at 1st, but ble difikir2 blk, ade sapik, kurd sket ragu2 tu.

So i take a bath, get ready everything and there they come.....err....no car?? I thought sapik was driving his dad's car n that enthusiasm me. But there's no car.*sigh* sah aku mcm kne klepet nih..but thier intentions is real; going out, since sapik nk tgk wyg, lme da tgk kn..but how?? Suddenly they call Zul n...yeah..so thats the answer. So cruel..xbaek tau mpergunakan kwn nih..but its ok i think. hehe.

So we met at kompleks PKNS n went 2 Bukit Raja, since that's the nearest place 2 watch cinema. And back to the main idea; they kidnapped me! haha..i didnt have money, and i assume so. But the fun facts is, i really2 didnt use any of my money, movie's ticket..lunch..all been supported! haha..thats happen when u try to ask sumone out 40 minutes b4 u confirmed it...by force.
Actually nk tgk Kung-Fu Panda sbb sapik xtgk lg, tp tbe2 tuka lak tgk Hulk. i dun care as long its not my money. hehe. Thx sapik.

Next was lunch time. Yet, i got no money. But its ok, today's lunch was supported by Zul! =) alhamdulillah murah rezeki aku arini. Credit 4 Zul. Finished our things there, we went back home. But not me. Its 4 p.m. n ts stil early. So we decided to hang out a lil' bit more..and we met Azim Amer n his lil' brother at Aquaritorium. ala yg kt seksyen 2 tuh..gosh bsa gler ikan2 kt blakang tu..I thought they were only using the scope 2 make it bigger. haha. Then we had a tea time at lake (tasik tu la) n zul called his frenz to join us. Yeah, it was fun. It reminds me of my scholl-age-time a years or two ago..while having a sightseeing..aaaahh..rse aman gler kt ctu..Rse nk bjogging pn smakin bkobar2. U wont feel this feeling if u r not there..uhu.

Thats i can say 'bout being kidnapped. haha..Credits given 2 Muhammad Syafiq Bin Jasmin, 4 the movies ticket, Zulhusni 4 the chicken chop(nyum2), Afif Azfar 4 the Teh Ais, n also Azim Amer 4 the ride.

The great moment,
Is the moment,
When you think u will not feel again that moment

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Welcoming indonesian!!..errr...My parentz. Hehe

Last thursday mornin' my parentz departed to Indonesia, had a trip named 'Rombongan Muslimin'. My parentz suke kalu psl keagamaan ni. The spoil is, nit their son..ehe. but not all. My sis was soooo religious and i was proud of her. its hard to find a girl juz like her. I really2 love her. Neway..im not too 'berat hati' nk biakn dorg pergi that trip tinggalkn ktorg. As long as that is what they want..going to the that trip and relax for a while.

Aside of they going to the trip, there's sumthing that i've been waiting 4 this long....everytime when my parentz going oversea or gone 4 work for a long period time, they will sure to giv sumthing...$MONEY$..hehe. how evil i am. But im in need of money. This is the only way i can regenerate my money..plz spare me! huhu
So i got Rm50! n thats the day where i watch The Happening n Kung-Fu Panda. Haha..lucky me...

And today on Tuesday at 0025 hour, my parentz back home! yay! Not only dat, they bought us KFC too. wee...tau2 jer xmkn mlm lg.
After having..err..'dinner' 2gether, my dad open up his big bag, i was hoping he was gonna giv us some souvenir. He open the bag ..and..shirt! he bought us some shirt! yippee! like they knew that i really need a shirt 4 me to go to class. IM really out of shirt every week since i got only 'bout 5-6 shirts only. Not counting if the shirt had not been wash. eeuuuwww....
oh and another thing, they bought some buah Salak from there. wow. its been a long time since i ate those fruit..i really love that fruit

its already late at night and i need to use this PC and....gosh! How can my bro still chatting..n playing pool on YM! dang...come on!! i need 2 use the computer or my fren will log out already..! then luckily she still on the line. phew..desperately since my phone credit had expired already..

This night,
will be the night,
of my memory =)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Need money? No robbering plz...

And so..a few past day my phone number credit was expired. both of them. im thinking 'bout reloading 1 of my number and.......yup. where's my money? top-up needs money kay. So i juz biakan jela expired. no one's gonna contact me anyway. but then my thought was wrong. my fren message me "wei ko ktner? g mall xarini" n i felt that was an important message. desperately, searching 4 money in my wallet...searching and searching..yeah! rm3 will b enough. haha!

A few day later im out with my fren to watch kung-fu panda. since it is still early, my fren insist on watching The Happening. Dgr die ckp pn cambes jer. so its ok. So this is how the movie start; a couple of girls, sitting on a bench at the park. one of it was reading a book, while the other one...not sure la. Then the weather became so windy and suddenly all the people at the park, stop moving, like been paralyze. one of the girl says the same thing for a couple of time and then suddenly she take sumthing from her hair (ala yg tajam2 ltak kt rambut tuh) and cucuk her neck! scary..
And thats how the story begin. a kind of virus that release by the plants n make people suicide as cruel as they can. Scary at first. But still, all the plotting, and character growth is sooo boring! why did i watch this movie!..ah yes my fren. uhu.

Disappointed with the movie, we queue up again for our most-wanted-movie, Kung-Fu Panda! yay! cant wait 2 watch dis movie. Even my lil bro already watch dis movie. duh. so the movie was so damn cool! Watching Dragon Warrior acting in 1st 10min really catch my eyes!..but that was only the hero's dreaming.sigh. So the story was sooo funny, got some cool action too! i like it when Tai Lung(the antagonist) appeal itself. dude..i hope i was like him. This movie is worth ur Rm12! u hav 2 watch it!

Back home, suddenly i realize that my wallet are getting thicker and thicker...erm let see some review;

Train :Rm5.80
Popiah :Rm4.90++
Movies :Rm24.00++
Lunch :Rm4.00++
Coffee Bean :Rm14.50++

Total :Rm53.20++

So estimately i used up almost Rm55...thats over Rm5 from my budget. *sigh* nevermind as long it's worth it =)

Without anymore money in my wallet, im limited to hang out with my frenz..yeah. money is everything. Those who read this, save up ur money and pndai2 la mule berjimat yer.. =)

Saturday, June 7, 2008

hope? wish? or demand for?

ok..so the result 4 our exam is out already. scared!!...but i prefer FEAR! yes..F.E.A.R! (its not a game title kay..) why fear?

#1.What if u were in the dean list?
well..more of hope..more of pressure..more of commitment! my mother will say "alhamdulillah..dpt dekan lg..truskn dgn pencapaian ni stiap sem..nnt dpt anugerah cancellor plak". then i will start to think of 'duh..do i hav 2 study hard? or smart? or mayb i can juz ignore what my mother said..?'.
another thing is, i hav 2 maintain my reputation as a 'dekan-ist' n it keep bothering me 'how am i supposed 2 do that??' n kadang2 tu rse cm xnk je dpt dekan nih..

#2.what if u were not in the dean list?
ermm....normal say..biase2 jela..that mean im a normal person. yeah, normal!! full of relieve..out of pressure..no more hope..n there i am..back to my bengong2 person. even b4 i got into univ. my result not dat gewd...seriously. for the whole 2 years (form 4 till form 5) i got ALL the grade, from A to F. haha..how brilliant i am. neway, if i didn't get my anugerah dekan, i will b full of shame..y? neither i knew the answer. mayb bcoz some of my friends get one, but not me.

so..i check my result and...erm...quite good..despiting my effort. i remember when the time for account paper, i juz get pressure that night studying n then inviting my frenz "weh, spe nk join aku repeat akaun nex sem!!" haha...now dats fun. n i didnt continue studying that night. n alhamdulillah i pass my account! cant believe with my own eyes...

(topic change..)

so 2 nite my parentz blk kg..take care of my atuk.
2 nite i watch the hulk on tv3. well..the movies yang dah lme gler kat wayang tu since i was form4 or form 5 i didnt remember. whenever it is, juz now i was able to watch it. haha. we were exciting at first, my eyes juz xsabar2 nk tgk makhluk hijau tuh n.....suddenly we were saying to each other "btol ke cter hulk nih??" the storyline is juz ultimate-suder-duper inunderstandable!!! xphm lgsg! juz when after 'bout an hour n 30min, juz then i can keep up to the story. duh...tp bes gk dpt tgk makhluk ijau tuh. haha.

(end of topic change...)

4 those yg da tau result. hows it? b grateful of what u get..n dont 4get to thx ur parentz..and ALLAH who always b with u. cheers =)

Monday, June 2, 2008


yeaha...out of nowhere juz tbe2 rse cm nk ber-blog2 nih. haha..dis is my 1st blog..well not really. pnah la gk wt blog tp yg kiddy2 pnye. uhu..4 those yg tbe2 termasuk my blog nih, u r welcome 2 critique2 my blog. haha. bubbye..