Current Status:

1. FYP oh FYP~

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Remember the previous post about the Body Mass Index calculator?
yeah since I'm bored, and can't think of anything to do, I tried it back.
Guess what...my own calculator 'betrayed' me. Huh!
I'm becoming lazy and lazier from day to day.
No more morning cardio.
Shame on me.

Oki: What happen to my Cutting program? duh....


iN said...

ikot la mak joging pg2 kt tasik shah alam same berkejar-kejaran dgn aqil
jgn mlas2.. :P

Choki a.k.a oki! said...

aha mnede mak oki jogging bwk aqil..xbraninye..
bkn mls...ujan pagi xleh jogging. hehe..