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1. FYP oh FYP~

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Paper Project : Part 2

Yeah...its the continuation of my previous post about my paper project. After 3-days (not including the previous part), I manage to complete it! woohoo~

Meet my workstation!
It's been modified so I can do the cutting process.

Here comes the full hands!
Look at the shoulder ornament..its the only reason why I choose this model.

Here goes.
Surgery in action. Hehe.

Ok, forgot the hands ;p

And at last,
the full set of Rekka Mushu (Flame Warrior)

Holding the katana.
Xluka ke tangan? huhu..

Ape pandang2? ade hutang ker??

What left. Hahaha~ poor u paper.

Overall, it tooks me about 6-days to complete all this.
But at the end, memang puas hati giler ah.
I smiled all the day when watching the model.
(and still smiling)

I'm satisfied...
Maybe this is what we called as Hobby Satisfaction.

Oki: On to next model~


irah said...

how did u do that?!!! u have mad skills. nice! okay try buat kucing plak! hahahah.

Choki a.k.a oki! said...

haha just print dr intenet je...the rest just perlu potong, lipat n gam. tapi mmg ssh especially ble potong part2 yg kecik -_-"
kucing ade, tp buruk. xmo bwt. hahaha~