Current Status:

1. FYP oh FYP~

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Paper Project : Part 1

Ok, seriously, when I'm looking towards this thing, thats mean,
Because this thing will take a hell lot of my time to complete it all.
But, what is this thing?
Aha..I may have shown this on my social network page, but not detailed.

Basically, this is what we called, "Paper Figure" or "Paper Model" or anything that similar.
By using some amount of paper, with a cutting skill n precision, u can turn it into a model.
Tak percaye? Wait and see...it's on the progress and this was some of it.

5 piece of paper = ??
The upper body.
This is just the chest and a neck

The head.
This by far was the most cool n handsome part.

If the head was cool, then this is AWESOME!
My favorite part, the Katana.
If taken from the good angle, it really looks like a real Katana.
This is the latest part.
The leg.
Like others part, this was the hardest part to assemble.

And after 3 days of making this, 50% of it completed.
Now I'm gonna take a rest for a while.
Seriously, buat bende ni memang lenguh tulang belakang aku.
kang xpasal2 kene osteoporosis lak.

So hasil terakhirnye?
Stay tuned~

Oki: Akibat xdapat kua tengok wayang. X(


iN said...

nice ^_^...
bley la btkan 1 :P

Choki a.k.a oki! said...

nak? 2 singgit. ekeke~