Current Status:

1. FYP oh FYP~

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's Called "Re-Scheduling"

For this past few days we've been busy cleaning up this house, along with flower making task. Multitasking eh..Then come to this most hard place to clean up, which physically a small room with a full load of old thing; "Bilik Stor".

Of course, you can see all the old-unsorted-memories flashback thing were in there..from the whole family! So , the easy task; throw away all the useless thing. It is easy, as easy like driving a car to the nearest mall, unfortunately it is a one way road and there is a car accident that restrict the flow your journey. And the only person can handle this kind of situation are police, ambulance etc.

What am I trying to say is, since the only person that can judge whether to throw away their own thing is themselves..! And they were not around. So, the task had to be postponed..and 2 days had elapsed. Gosh my house condition was really bad indeed..all the things are everywhere..books, old clothes, bags, it's all scattered around! Argh...and of course when my really big brother came home, he just complaining around without knowing what we are doing all this day...!

About my lil' brother who just done his SPM? Yeah he just always waking up late, hanging out with his friends, even at night, and also complaining about the throwing-all-the-thing task were not done yet. But he's a good son anyway...it's just the time where I think like beating him to a pulp, but I won't do that. It will be pity to my parents if there were to pay for his hospitalization.

And for my ongoing long term plan, thought I would change it to "House Cleaning Program".
Yes...I CAN DO IT!!

P/s: Pagi ni sepatutnya kejadian Hujan Meteor/Meteor Geminid berlaku. It's happen between 2a.m 'till dawn. Rase menyesal sebab tido terlalu awal dan tdo sejurus selepas semayang subuh tanpa melihat langit dulu...! Argh I've been waiting for this to happen for 2 days back! Sape2 yang ade ternampak please....tell me what it's like...Menyesal...menyesal....

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